1. General
SX4304x products have an RS485 bus. This bus has a MODBUS RTU protocol. A CAN 2.0B bus is also available on
In this document is described all the MODBUS protocol command, and also RAM and EEPROM data that end user can
The main goal of this document is to describe low level interface of SX4304x products.
2. End user parameter and data
Some parameters can be set by end user. For example, product is able to filter accelerometer and gyrometer sensors.
You can also parameterize baud rate, MODBUS ID, and CAN Id. It is possible to get product status, read sensors values
in RAM.
EEPROM Parameters
EEPROM parameters are fully described in § 6 .
MODBUS parameters
Product has the following parameters in EEPROM:
Rs485BaudRateUser : Baud rate. Should be one of the following values: 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200, 230400,
460800 ou 921600. Default value : 19200 baud
Rs485IdentifierUser : MODBUS Identifying. Should be between 1 and 247. Default value: 1
Rs485FramePeriodUser: Continuous mode frame period in ms. Continuous mode frame is described in §
value is a minimum. If continuous mode frame duration is higher than this value, then product will continuously
send data over RS485 bus.
MasterModeUser: This parameter can set the product mode (master or slave) on RS485 bus. If this parameter is
equal to zero, then the product is in slave mode and send data only after a request. If this parameter is equal to 1,
then the product will send continuous mode frame (see §
CRC calculation.
CAN bus parameters
Product has the following parameters in EEPROM:
CANBaudRateUser: CAN bus baud rate. Should be one of the following values: 125000, 250000, 500000,
CANFramePeriodUser: CAN frame period. Should be between 1 and 1000ms.
CANCmdIdentifierUser: Identifier of the command which select data sent by the product. Extended 29 bits
CANData1IdentifierUser: Identifier of the CAN Data 1 frame. Extended 29 bits identifier
CANData2IdentifierUser: Identifier of the CAN Data 2 frame. Extended 29 bits identifier
CANData3IdentifierUser: Identifier of the CAN Data 3 frame. Extended 29 bits identifier
CanMasterModeUser : This parameter is used to set up CAN frame mode. The parameter value represents the
value of SEL_TX in the CAN frame command. At power-up the product is able to send the CAN frame (DATA1,
and/or DATA2 and/or DATA3) without sending the controller to slave command.
Sensor filtering
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3 ). Thisparameterisn'ttakenintoaccountforEEPROM
3 . This
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