Falcon Display Tu?v 0827932:Mise en page 1
KRUPS Espresseria Automatic
Coffee temperature
Menu "Product info"
Coffee cycles
Hot water cycles
Steam cycles
- Last
- Next
- Clean
- Exit
- Last
- Next
- Exit
Note : The "Last" and "Next" options are only accessible if you have fitted a filter before-
hand, accessible via Product info/Filter/Install.
- Last
- Next
- Install
- Exit
You can adjust the temperature of your coffee or espresso to 3 levels, where
level 3 is the hottest temperature.
End of the preview of the sub-menus.
Displays the total number of coffee cycles carried out by the machine.
Displays the total number of hot water cycles carried out by the machine.
Displays the total number of steam cycles carried out by the machine.
Displays the total number of rinsing operations carried out by the machine.
Access to the following sub-menus.
Number of coffees prepared since the last cleaning.
Number of coffees that can be made before next cleaning.
Starts the cleaning programme.
End of Cleaning menu.
Access to the following sub-menus.
Number of hot water or steam cycles made since the last descaling.
Number of hot water or steam cycles that can be made before next descaling.
End of the Descaling menu.
Access to the following sub-menus.
Displays the date when the filter was last changed and the quantity of water filte-
red since then.
Displays the date when the filter needs to be changed and the quantity of water
that may be filtered until then.
Starts the filter replacement procedure.
End of the Filter menu.
End of the preview of the sub-menus.
Use and maintenance / SERIE EA 80xx
Page 18