Blood pres-
sure value
(in mmHg)
High normal
130 – 139 85 – 89
120 – 129 80 – 84
< 120
Source: WHO, 1999
It is important to consult your doctor regularly for ad-
vice. Your doctor will tell you your individual values
for normal blood pressure as well as the value above
which your blood pressure is classified as dangerous.
The classification on the display and the scale on the
unit show which category the recorded blood pressure
values fall into. If the systolic and diastolic values fall
into two different categories, the classification indica-
tor on the device always shows the higher category.
(in mmHg)
regular mon-
itoring by doc-
< 80
9. Displaying and Deleting Meas-
User Memory:
Every successful measurement is stored along with its
date and time. If there are more than 30 measurements,
the oldest measurement is deleted.
To select a user memory, press the SET button and
then press the +/- buttons until the desired user num-
ber appears on the LCD Display.
Average values
• Press the M button. ' ' flashes on the
display. The average of all saved meas-
urements in the selected user memory
is displayed.
• Press the M button again. ' ' flashes
on the display. The average value of the
morning measurements for the last sev-
en days is displayed (morning: 5:00 AM
– 9:00 AM).