Slip compensation - Instantaneous overload signalling - Prevention of short mains blackout -
Pickup of motor in free rotation (flying restart) - Automatic boost
Defines value of the
P - 3 2
P - 3 2
P - 3 2
P - 3 2
P - 3 2
motor rated slip (% )
Compensation time
P - 3 3
P - 3 3
P - 3 3
P - 3 3
P - 3 3
Enable the overload
b - 1 7
b - 1 7
b - 1 7
b - 1 7
b - 1 7
detection function
Select when the detec-
b - 1 8
b - 1 8
b - 1 8
b - 1 8
b - 1 8
tion function is active
Set the overload locked
b - 1 9
b - 1 9
b - 1 9
b - 1 9
b - 1 9
Set the tripping level of
P - 5 5
P - 5 5
P - 5 5
P - 5 5
P - 5 5
the protection
Set the delay before
P - 5 6
P - 5 6
P - 5 6
P - 5 6
P - 5 6
the protection trip
Enables the prevention
b - 2 8
b - 2 8
b - 2 8
b - 2 8
b - 2 8
of short mains blackout
Determines the under-
voltage protection trip-
P - 7 5
P - 7 5
P - 7 5
P - 7 5
P - 7 5
ping threshold
Set the max. duration of
P - 7 6
P - 7 6
P - 7 6
P - 7 6
P - 7 6
blackout before the
alarm is enabled
Enables the tripping of
b - 2 9
b - 2 9
b - 2 9
b - 2 9
b - 2 9
the motor pickup
Selects the initial
b - 3 0
b - 3 0
b - 3 0
b - 3 0
b - 3 0
scanning frequency
Enables the function
b - 3 1
b - 3 1
b - 3 1
b - 3 1
b - 3 1
with the first run control
after startup
Sets the max. current
P - 8 0
P - 8 0
P - 8 0
P - 8 0
P - 8 0
during the
motor pickup phase
Delay to activate the
P - 8 1
P - 8 1
P - 8 1
P - 8 1
P - 8 1
motor pickup function
Sets the rate of change
P - 8 3
P - 8 3
P - 8 3
P - 8 3
P - 8 3
of the frequency during
the lock search
Set the max. rate of
P - 8 4
P - 8 4
P - 8 4
P - 8 4
P - 8 4
change of the voltage
Enables the automa-
b - 3 4
b - 3 4
b - 3 4
b - 3 4
b - 3 4
tic boost.
[ D
The parameters compensate for the motor speed reduction when increasing the
0.0 - 25.0
applied load (slip), changing the inverter output frequency proportionally to the
applied load. Note: a too quick response (P-33 too short) can cause fluctuations
[ 0.0 ]
in the output frequency. To obtain a good compensation properly set P-09, P-11,
0.0 - 10.0
P-12 and if the reference frequency is close to the maximum frequency, it is
advisable to set on P-37 a value beyond 100%
[ 0.1 ]
( s )
The aim of the function which detects the overload is to signal or avoid exces-
0 = off - 1 = on
sive efforts on the load, causing the istantaneous locking of the inverter and
[ 0 ]
the allarm signalling.
0=always - 1= con.
The threshold defined by P-55 is in % of the motor rated load as obtained
speed [ 0 ]
through parameters P-09, P-11.
0 = off - 1 = on
The threshold exceeding can be signalled through terminal board by configu-
[ 0 ]
ring the Ox-GTT output.
20 - 200
The parameter P-12 must be accurately set too.
[ 110 ]
( % )
P-56 Set how long the overload can exceed the tripping threshold before the
0.1 - 25.0
signalling and the inverter lock functions are enabled
[ 0.1 ]
( s )
0 = off - 1 = on
The parameters avoid locking the inverter when a short mains blackout
[ 0 ]
happens.The mains cut off is stated on the display and on the terminal board by
configuring one of digital outputs OUT1.
Note:on single phase inverter it is advisable to reduce the P-75 value to the
minimum to prevent excessive start-up currents. Otherwise it is possible that
40 - 80
the inverter locks by undervoltage.
[ 70 ] (% di P-02)
The alarm is always enabled if the voltage falls under a given value that depends
on the inverter size; the tripping of the prevention function sets the output voltage
to zero, (coast-to-stop). In this way, the filter capacitors are not completely
discharged thus keeping the control logic active. As soon as the voltage exceeds
0.1 - 25.0
the threshold (hysteresis of 6%), a pickup phase of motor in free rotation is
[ 1 ]
( s )
performed, thus resetting the speed in force before the tripping.
0 = off - 1 = on
The aim of the pickup function of motor in free rotation is to avoid too high start-
[ 0 ]
up currents generated when, for some causes the inverter cuts the voltage to the
0=ref. freq.
motor, then a subsequent run command makes a start from zero Hz with the
1=max. freq.
motor still rotating.
[ 0 ]
This function generates an initial frequency, b-30, equal to or higher than the
0 = off - 1 = on
motor one, by gradually increasing, P-84, the output voltage to 100 % and
[ 0 ]
controlling that the current does not exceed a preset threshold set by P-80, (it is
advisable that this value should be slightly higher than the current absorbed by
20 - 200
the motor ) otherwise the output frequency would be reduced and the voltage
[ 120 ] (% di Inom)
would be limited.
The delay between the cut off of the motor voltage and when the motor pickup
0.01 - 10.00
phase start can be controlled by P-81 (demagnetization time).
( s )
The motor is considered frequency-locked when a given frequency is reached so
0.1 - 25.0
that, at full voltage, the current is under the threshold.The motor can then be
[ 1 ]
( s )
accelerated or decelerated until the reference is reached.
b-23 enables the use of a frequency obtained from an encoder as initial fre-
0.1 - 25.0
quency for motor pickup.
[ 0.2 ]
( s )
The motor pickup function can be enabled through terminal board by configuring
one of the inputs as Ix-FLY input. If the Ix-FLY input is active, every time the run
control is pressed the motor pickup is performed.
This function is an alternative to the voltage (and torque) boost obtained through
0 = off - 1 = on
parameter P-04 (pag. 23).The output voltage is automatically increased as
[ 0 ]
regards the motor and the connected load characteristics. The efficiency of the
action depends on the accuracy applied when setting the parameters P-09, P-
11, P-12.
If the programming phase is not performed in the right way, some oscilla-
tions may occur.
—————— SIEI ——————