During this transfer, the side of the mattress can be either turned inside or out.
Turning it out is beneficial as the person being transferred is protected from the
rail on the side-bar.
Make sure that the shower stretcher mattress does not get jammed between the
horizontal surface of the Luxal and the bed.
3. Operation
3.1. Wheel blocking and moving forward
• The central operating pedal for the brakes is the pedal at the
head-end on both sides of the stretcher (See figure 2) .
• The brake on the Luxal can be applied by moving the inside
of the pedal downwards, using your foot (1) .
• All four wheels are braked simultaneously, both in the drive
and turned directions .
• To take the Luxal off the brakes, the pedal must be moved
upwards to a horizontal position with your foot .
• The swivel wheel is disengaged by moving the outside of the pedal downwards with
your foot (2) .
• The swivel wheel is engaged by moving the pedal back into the horizontal position with
your foot .
3.2. Side-bars
• The Luxal is equipped with aluminium side-bars that can be
collapsed against the edge of the bed-base so that sliding
transfers can be carried out .
• The side-bar is equipped with safeguards so that the client
cannot raise the side-bars themselves (See figure 3) .
• Before the side-bar is collapsed downwards, the safeguard
must be unlocked at the head-end .
• Unlock the safeguard by using one hand to pull the protru-
ding lip inwards and raising the side-bar with your other hand (1) (See figure 3) .
• Turn the unlocked side-bar outwards so that the side of the mattress can lie in a
horizontal position .
• Collapsed side-bars enable the carer to lean on the centre of the mattress and more
easily care for the client .
Luxal Shower stretcher | Instructions for use | 29
Figure 2 Wheel blocking and
moving forwards .
Figure 3 Locking side-bar .