Operating the unit
Initial operation of the unit
Press the small round Start button during initial operation to start the cy-
cle and to start each subsequent new series of cycle measurements.
You enter the start of the cycle with the Start button. This should be
done if possible on the first day of your menstruation. Press the Start
button firmly and hold down until the input is confirmed with a beep.
You can enter the start of the cycle independently of a measurement,
i.e. also in the afternoon or the evening.
In this case, wait until the unit has switched itself off and then repeat
the input. Important: press the Cycle Start button firmly and for a sus-
tained period.
Note: cyclotest® 2 plus cannot store any measurement results if the
start has not been input.
Fig. no. 1
Your display looks like this if the input has
been successful.
Fig. no. 2
If your display looks like this, the input has
not been made.
Operating the unit
What should you do if cyclotest® 2 plus was not to hand on the
first day of menstruation or you forgot to make the input?
Press the small round Cycle Start button again firmly and for a sus-
tained period. At the same time press the right Arrow button repeat-
edly until your current cycle day appears in the display (e.g. DAY NEW
02). Keep the Start button pressed until the input is confirmed with a
beep. Your display should now look like this:
How to measure your wake-up temperature
Once the cycle start has been successfully input, you can take your
temperature measurements. Begin the morning after before getting
Note: At least 5 hours sleep needed prior to measurement. The meas-
urement must be taken before you get up.
The sensor is located at the top in the sensor compartment. Pull the
round cable reel on the back of the unit to extend the length of the
cable sensor as required by uncoiling. This enables you to take your
measurement comfortably while lying down. Then close the reel
Fig. no. 3