F3 Corpus
Backrest angle
The backrest can be reclined by pressing the lower part of the button
and brought back by pressing the upper part.
Inclinaison d'assise
The seat can be tilted backward by pressing the lower part of the
button and forward by pressing the upper part.
Inclinaison antérieure
The seat can be tilted forward by pressing the upper part of the
button and backward by pressing the lower part. When the seat is
being tilted forward or backward, the seat will stop when it reaches
neutral position. To keep moving forward or backward from neutral
position, press the same button again.
Apprendre à connaitre votre fauteuil roulant
Illustration 102. Backrest angle.
Illustration 103. Inclinaison d'assise.
Illustration 104. Inclinaison antérieure.