Caution: Maintenance and repairs requiring the assistance of
other qualified personnel must be carried out under the
supervision of specialists in the use of inflammable
Caution: Ensure that the area is in the open or that it is
adequately ventilated before breaking into the system or
conducting any hot work. A degree of ventilation shall continue
during the period that the work is carried out. The ventilation
should safely disperse any released refrigerant and preferably
expel it externally into the atmosphere.
Caution: Do not perforate any of the components in the
refrigerant circuit. Refrigerant gas may be odourless
Caution: Do not expose occupants, pets or plants to direct
airflow for an extended period of time. This exposure to direct
airflow for an extended period of time could be hazardous to
your health.
This appliance meets the requirements of all applicable European directives and their
CLIMA5K1 contains approximately 90 g of R290 refrigerant gas
Appliance shall be installed, operated and stored in a room with a floor area larger than
5 m2.
CLIMA7K1 contains approximately 130 g of R290 refrigerant gas
Appliance shall be installed, operated and stored in a room with a floor area larger than
7 m2.
CLIMA9K1 contains approximately 170 g of R290 refrigerant gas
Appliance shall be installed, operated and stored in a room with a floor area larger than
9 m2.