Izjava o ustreznosti EU
EC Declaration of Conformity
S tem izjavljamo,
We herewith declare,
da koncepcija in zgradba spodaj navedenih naprav v izvedbah, ki jih uvajamo na trg,
odgovarja pristojnim osnovnim zahtevam smernic EU za varnost in higieno.
that the following Appliance complies with the appropriate basic safty and health requirements
of the EC Directive based on its design and type, as brought into circulation by us.
V primeru spremembe naprave, o kateri se niste posvetovali z nami, ta izjava izgubi
svojo veljavnost.
In a case of alternation of the machine, not agreed upon by us, this declaration will loose its
Označitev naprav:
Machine desciption:
Kat. št.
Uporabne smernice EU:
Applicable EC Directives:
Uporabljeni usklajeni
Applicable harmonized
Datum/podpis proizvajalca:
Date/Authorized Signature:
Podatki o podpisniku:
Title of Signatory:
Güde GmbH & Co. KG
Birkichstraße 6, 74549 Wolpertshausen, Germany
- WP 20 T
- 24422
- Smernice EU o strojih 98/37/EG
gospod Arnold, direktor