> >
Figure 32 A
Figure 32 C
When fastening
pool fi ttings in
position, avoid
overtightening the
screws as this could
crack the fi tting.
Hand tighten by
Make sure that
the gaskets are
correctly positioned
and applied. It
will be diffi cult to
correct mistakes
made after the liner
is fi tted.
> >
First, mount the skimmer prefi x fl ange using the slotted countersunk head wood
screws (VB FZ) 3x25. You will fi nd these components in the Pool Fitting skinpack.
Attach the grey tube L.325 (see page 65 ref l10) to the body of the skimmer, then,
working from outside the pool, put the skimmer in position taking care to position
it fl at against the prefi x fl ange. Hold it in place with the pozi countersunk head (TFZ)
screws M5x16 + nuts and washers. Stick the fi rst self-adhesive gasket (Pool Fitting
skinpack) to the front of the skimmer. Take care to ensure that the holes line up
Nozzle bodies
Figure 33
Working from inside the pool, fi t the 2 throughwall fl anges (Pool fi tting skin pack) for
the return fi ttings into the pre-drilled apertures.Fix them in position using the slotted
countersunk head wood (VB FZ) 3x25 screws.
Seal off the additional aperture using the piece of foam provided in the accessories
Figure 32 B
Figure 32 D
Figure 34