Chapter 5:
Using Online Media
The HP MediaSmart Connect provides online access to thousands
of movies available to rent or own, and the simple HP interface
enables you to begin watching movies moments after
downloading has begun.
To access and download online media requires these steps:
At your computer, create an account (user name and
password) with HP Online Media Services.
If needed, create your account with each of the supported
services you want to join and use such as CinemaNow or
Snapfish. (The available online media service providers may
vary in your country/region.)
Register your account with each of the supported services by
entering the account user name and password information
into your HP Online Media Services account.
After the signup is complete, at your TV, view the HP MediaSmart
Connect, press the Media button on the remote control, select
Online Media from the Media menu, choose the registered
Chapter 5: Using Online Media
service you want to use, enter your HP Online Media Services
account information, and then the service displays on your screen.
You can browse the service, and purchase (or rent) media and
start downloading to your computer.
The signup usually occurs during installation, but it can also be
done anytime prior to use; see "Setting Up the HP Online Media
Services Account" on page 67.
The HP MediaSmart Services Gateway software and the
CinemaNow Media Manager software, used to access online
media, automatically install on your computer from the Installation
CD. See "Using the HP MediaSmart Services Gateway Software"
on page 69, and "Using CinemaNow Media Manager" on
page 73.
Be sure to accept any updates to the software the
HP MediaSmart Connect loads onto your computer.