Yellow (SAP) displays the search panel.
Blue (Sleep) adds the item to the Favorites list.
You can Search By these types:
Photos: Name, Date, Keyword
Videos: Title, Actor, Date
Music: Artist, Album, Song
In the Photos, Videos, or Music media lists, press the Yellow
context button to display a search panel.
Enter the search information using the onscreen keyboard for
entries. The search information you enter is not case-sensitive.
Also, the search information can be a single character or a
partial word. To change the Search By information, press the
Green context button.
Chapter 4: Enjoying Music, Photos, and Videos
To use the onscreen keyboard:
Press the Arrow buttons on the remote control to select an
item or key on the onscreen keyboard, and then press
OK to enter your selection.
Press a number button on the remote control as needed
to scroll to the character you want.
Click the OK button to conduct the search and list the results.
Press the Back button to go back to the original screen.
Using Favorites
Pressing the Favorites button displays the Favorites list or adds
the current selection to the list for Photos, Music, or Videos. You
can use the Favorites list as a playlist.
On the Favorites screen, you can move or arrange the order of an
item by pressing an Arrow button to select it, and then pressing
the Yellow context button. You can remove an item from the list by
selecting it and pressing the Blue context button.