10. Operation and configuration
a) General operation
Below, we will describe the general operation of the internet radio for you.
• The C2 button on the remote control or the A2 button on the device switches the internet radio on or off.
If you switch it off with the button, it will switch to standby mode and display the time and, if you have
activated the function, the weather.
• The "Mode" button (C14 on the remote control, A3 on the device) switches through the different oper-
ating modes. When you push the button, the radio switches to the respective next operating mode. The
order is:
"FM", "AUX", "UPNP", "iRadio"
• The button "PRESET" (A4 at the device) is identical with the star button C4 on the remote control. When
you push the button, the display will switch to your favourites. If the radio is in FM mode, the favourites
list is displayed with the FM stations stored by you. If you push the button in a different operating mode,
your favourites list with the internet radio stations will be displayed at all times.
• You can open the main menu of the device with the C15 button on the remote control or the A6 button
("MENU") at the device.
• The buttons "LEFT" (A7) and "RIGHT" (A8) are identical with the two arrows on the left (C7) and right (C8)
of the remote control. With these buttons, you can navigate through the menus to the left and right. The
button A7 or C7 takes you back one item in the menu additionally.
• The two arrow buttons up C5 and down C6 navigate up and down in the menu. You can also scroll through
the characters with the buttons, e.g. when entering the WiFi password. The two buttons are equal to
turning the dial A10 at the device.
• If you push the dial A10 at the device, the reaction is the same as when pushing the button "OK" (C9) on
the remote control. This opens, e.g., a menu item or confirms a selection.
• The C1 "Mute" button switches the sound off and on again.
• The digits 0 to 9 (D0-D9) are used for direct selection of the favourite storage spaces and to select the
letters, e.g. when entering a password.
• The C3 button switches the brightness of the display between the regular setting and the energy savings
• If you push the button C10, the setting for the alarm opens directly.
• The C11 button directly activates and sets the sleep timer function. If you push the button once, a symbol
and 015 are displayed at the upper right of the display. Then the radio switches off after 15 minutes. If
you push the button again, the display changes to 030. Then the internet radio switches off only after 30
minutes. The max. time is 180 minutes. If 180 is displayed, the function is deactivated again the next time
the button is pushed.
• With the two buttons C12 and C13, you can increase or reduce the radio volume.
• The button C16 switches through the different equalizer modes. The current selection is briefly displayed
at the middle of the top of the display.
• The last 3 buttons on the remote control C17, C18 and C19 control the playback in UPNP mode. C17
switches one track back, C18 switches one track forward. You can use the button C19 to start and pause