Put the supplied plastic grill floor (removed at the beginning of the incubation) into the base of the incubator, ensuring that the two plastic
tongues cover the internal side of the water openings, so that the chicks will not fall into them and drown.
Distribute the eggs on the grill and close the lid.
Fill both basins (5/a and 5/b) with lukewarm water.
Set the temperature to 37,2°C (see instructions on page 36)
IMPORTANT - during the last 3 days:
Do not turn the eggs
Do not open the incubator unnecessarily as the humidity and the heat necessary for the hatching would escape, causing the loss of the
chick inside the shell. Open the incubator A MAXIMUM OF ONCE A DAY to extract the dried off chicks.
Keep the newborn chicks in the incubator for about 12 hours. They can stay in the incubator for 3 days without drinking or eating without
Put the chicks in a draught-free room provided with the necessary heat and light where they can be fed and watered.
TIPS: you can use a 50x50 carton box. Cover the bottom with newspaper sheets that will require daily renewal. You can also create a small pen
using the plastic panels art. 4510-09 (size of each panel: mm 800x400).
For heating, you can hang a reflector with an infrared heat lamp (see list below) at approximately 20-25 cm from the floor. The temperature can
be adjusted by changing the height of the lamp. The box or the pen should be big enough to contain a drinker and a feeder.
The infrared heat lamps do not only heat the chick; they also act deeply, on the tissues and muscles, fixing the calcium in the bones and helping
the expansion of the blood and lymph vessels, thus improving the blood circulation and, consequently, the nutrition of the cells. This assists the
healthy growth of the chick that will also be more resistant to diseases.
The reflector (of aluminium or polycarbonate) increases the concentration of the infrared rays coming from the bulb.
- art. 701: aluminium reflector Ø 21 cm, complete with hanging chain L=2m and protection grill
- art. 702: reflector in clear polycarbonate Ø 27 cm (hanging chain L=2m and protection grill are optional)
- art. 750/100: infrared bulb Philips IR100R, heavy
- art. 750/150: infrared bulb Philips 150W, light