Upon adding new fi rewood, to help the
wood ignite the air slider should be
opened to the point where the notches on
the sides are only just no longer visible.
Heating at Low Thermal Output
(during Transitional Seasons)
You can vary the thermal output of your Sendai by
adjusting the quantity of fuel used.
Do not attempt to slow down the com-
bustion by reducing the air supply. When
heating with wood, this can result in an
incomplete burning process and pose the
risk of an explosive like combustion of the
accumulated wood gases (defl agration).
During the transition seasons (spring/au-
tumn), outdoor temperatures in excess of
16° can cause disruptions to the airfl ow
in the chimney. If at this temperature a
draught cannot be created by burning a
piece of paper or a small piece of wood (a
pilot fi re), no fi re should be lit.
10. Emptying the Ash Drawer
As a safety precaution, please make sure that you
only dispose of ashes once they are cold. While the
ash collects during the fi re, the lid (fi g. 5/1) is locat-
ed under the ash drawer
(fi g. 5/2).
The ash drawer contains the mineral components of
the wood (approx. 1%) as combustion residues.
Remove both the ash drawer and the lid located
underneath it. Make sure the ash does not pile up
all the way to the bottom of the fi re box. Slide the
lid onto the ash drawer so that it is closed; this pre-
vents ashes from fl ying around, which in turn means
your home stays clean (fi g. 6).
Please ensure that, when inserting the ash drawer,
the ash drawer lid is positioned on the base of the
drawer with the side brackets facing down.
fi g. 5
fi g. 6