Control channel 2 - Mirrored cylinder rotation
Push slider up to rotate the mirrored cylinder.
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 19
00 13
0% 7%
20 135
14 87
8% 53%
136 139
88 8B
53% 55%
140 255 8C FF
55% 100%
Control-channel 3 - Colour-wheel
Linear colour change following the movement of the slider.
In this way you can stop the colour-wheel in any position.
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 18
00 12
0% 7%
18 35
12 23
7% 14%
36 53
24 35
14% 21%
54 71
36 47
21% 28%
72 89
48 59
28% 35%
90 107 5A 6B
35% 42%
108 126 6C 7E
42% 49%
127 127 7F 7F
50% 50%
128 191
80 BF
50% 75%
192 255 C0 FF
75% 100%
Control-channel 4 - Rotating gobo-wheel
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 15
00 0F
0% 6%
16 31
10 1F
6% 12%
32 47
20 2F
13% 18%
48 63
30 3F
19% 25%
64 79
40 4F
25% 31%
80 95
50 5F
31% 37%
96 111
60 6F
38% 44%
112 127
70 7F
44% 50%
128 191
80 BF
50% 75%
192 255 C0 FF
75% 100%
Control-channel 5 - Gobo rotation
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 15
00 0F
0% 6%
16 135
10 87
6% 53%
136 255
88 FF
53% 100%
Control-channel 6 - Shutter, Strobe
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 5
00 05
0% 2%
6 128
06 80
2% 50%
129 131
81 83
51% 51%
132 139
84 8B
52% 55%
140 199 8C C7
55% 78%
200 249 C8 F9
78% 98%
250 255 FA FF
98% 100%
S No rotation
F Forwards rotation with increasing speed
S No rotation
F Backwards rotation with increasing speed
S Open/white
S Magenta
S Green
S Light blue
S Pink
S Yellow
S Orange
S Dark blue
F Forwards rainbow effect with increasing speed
F Backwards rainbow effect with increasing speed
S Open/white
S Rot. gobo 1
S Rot. gobo 2
S Rot. gobo 3
S Rot. gobo 4
S Rot. gobo 5
S Rot. gobo 6
S Rot. gobo 7
F Forwards gobo-change with increasing speed
F Backwards gobo-change with increasing speed
S No rotation
F Forwards gobo rotation with decreasing speed
F Backwards gobo rotation with increasing speed
S Shutter closed
F Dimmer control
S Reset (after 3-5 seconds)
S No function (Shutter open)
F Strobe-effect with increasing speed
F Random strobe effect with increasing speed
S No function (Shutter open)