3.1. Requirements for installation
IMPORTANT : the LiveIn system can only be added to a SIMU-Hz installation if the
equipment to be operated is already programmed and previously fitted with an individual
SIMU-Hz control point.
- Compatible iOS (Version 8 and above: iPhone 4S or newer) and Android (Versions 4.1 and
above) smartphone or tablet
- 230V-120V / 50 Hz power supply, compatible type C, E or F electrical sockets
- 1 local wifi router for local operation (router operating on 2.4 GHz networks) / 1 internet
access point for remote operation.
3.2 Network configuration
1. Download the free Simu LiveIn application to your smartphone or tablet
(available from the Apple Store or Google Play).
2. Put in the LiveIn plug into a mains socket.
Ensure that the LED is steady red in colour.
(If the LED is green, reset the plug using the reset button: a single press is required.
Duration of configuration mode = 2 min). For all other LED states, refer to point 2.4.1
3. Connect the Simu-Hz plug to the WiFi network (Simu-####) in your mobile
device settings.
It takes a few seconds for the WiFi to appear on the Simu-#### plug.
3.3 Configuration of the application and equipment
1. To start the LiveIn application, click
2. Click
Search for LiveIn
correctly); or follow the instructions on the installation screens.
3. Program the Simu-Hz equipment for your LiveIn by clicking
4. It is possible to add new equipment to your LiveIn: Go to the Main Menu,
'Edit' then ' HZ programming' to add the desired Simu-Hz equipment.
5. To delete an equipment item, go to the Main Menu, 'Edit' then Hz
programming'. Click
you want to delete; then use the 'programming' function (this will de-
program the LiveIn/Motor link).
To finish, erase the name of the equipment.
Note: The LiveIn cannot be used to adjust the motor or add SIMU-Hz command points.
3.4 Use
- Define scenarios
programmable. Equipment can only be programmed if it is previously saved
in a scenario.
- To delete a scenario or weekly program, go into Edit mode,
left then move the scenario or program you wish to delete to the left.
For more information and help with installation and use, go to www.simu.com
(if the previous steps have been carried out
Programming wizard
then associate weekly programs
Start new LiveIn
alongside the equipment
. Only scenarios are
located at top