Varian Turbo-V 6000 Notice D'emploi
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Turbo-V 6000
Model 969-9081
Model 969-9082
MARCH 2003


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Varian Turbo-V 6000

  • Page 2 Turbo-V 6000...
  • Page 5: Table Des Matières

    ISTRUZIONI PER LíUSO ....................1 GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG....................3 MODE DíEMPLOI ........................ 5 INSTRUCCIONES DE USO ....................7 INSTRU«’ES PARA O USO ....................9 GEBRUIKSAANWIJZINGEN ..................... 11 BRUGSANVISNING ......................13 BRUKSANVISNING......................15 BRUKERVEILEDNING ...................... 17 KƒYTT÷OHJEET ......................19 PDHGIES CRHSEWS ......................21 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE....................
  • Page 6: Istruzioni Per Líuso

    Onde evitare problemi di degassamento, non toccare con le mani ed ogni altra informazione addizionale fornita dalla Varian prima nude i componenti destinati ad essere esposti al vuoto. Utilizzare dell'utilizzo dell'apparecchiatura. La Varian si ritiene sollevata da sempre i guanti o altra protezione adeguata.
  • Page 7 Qualsiasi intervento deve essere eseguito da personale Le pompe turbomolecolari della serie Turbo-V6000 devono essere autorizzato. utilizzate solo con uno degli appositi controllori Varian (serie 969- Líolio di lubrificazione deve essere cambiato ogni sei mesi o 9491, 969-9591) e devono essere collegate ad una pompa prima- quando diventa opaco o di colore scuro.
  • Page 8: Gebrauchsanleitung

    Sch‰den erleiden. Sie sollte jedoch bis zur Instal- LAGERUNG lation auf der Anlage geschlossen bleiben, um Staubverschmut- zungen zu vermeiden. Um ein Hˆchstmafl an Effizienz und Zuverl‰ssigkeit der Varian Turbomolekularpumpen zu gew‰hrleisten, sind die folgenden INSTALLATION Anweisungen zu beachten: •...
  • Page 9 Pumpengeh‰use unter 50QC abgesunken ist. Gegenflansch anschlieflen, der ein Drehmoment von 20000 Nm um die eigene Achse aush‰lt. Bei einem Defekt kann der Varian Service oder der " Varian Ad- Turbopumpen mit einem ISO-Eingangsflansch m¸ssen mittels vanced Exchange Service" in Anspruch genommen werden, der doppelten oder einfachen Klemmschellen an die Vakuumkammer Ihnen als Austausch f¸r die besch‰digte Pumpe eine general-...
  • Page 10: Mode Díemploi

    Il est conseillÈ ‡ l'utilisateur de lire attentivement cette notice d'instructions ainsi que toute autre indication supplÈmentaire four- ATTENTION! nie par Varian, avant d'utiliser l'appareil. Varian dÈcline par consÈ- quent toute responsabilitÈ en cas d'inobservation totale ou partielle En vue d'Èviter tous problËmes de dÈgazage, ne pas toucher, les des instructions donnÈes, d'utilisation incorrecte de la part d'un...
  • Page 11 Avant de renvoyer au constructeur une pompe pour des rÈpara- tage M16 tions ou un "advanced exchange service", remplir et faire parve- nir au bureau local Varian la fiche "SÈcuritÈ et SantÈ" annexÈe ‡ Collier simple ‡ file- 80 Nm la prÈsente notice d'instructions.
  • Page 12: Instrucciones De Uso

    Varian antes de usar el Utilizar siempre guantes u otra protecciÛn adecuada. aparato. Varian se considera libre de posibles responsabilidades...
  • Page 13 Las bombas turbomoleculares de la serie Turbo-V6000 han de cuando se vuelve opaco o de color oscuro. VÈase ìTechnical utilizarse sÛlo con uno de los controladores Varian especÌficos Informationî para el procedimiento correspondiente. (serie 969-9491, 969-9591) y han de conectarse a una bomba primaria (vÈase esquema en ìTechnical Informationî).
  • Page 14: Instru«'Es Para O Uso

    Para evitar problemas de perdas de g·s, n„o tocar com as m„os outra informaÁ„o adicional fornecida pela Varian antes de usar a os componentes destinados ‡ exposiÁ„o do v·cuo. Utilizar aparelhagem.
  • Page 15 Em caso de defeito È possÌvel usufruir do serviÁo de reparaÁ„o A turbobomba com flange de entrada ISO, deve ser fixada ‡ Varian ou do "Varian advanced exchange service", que permite c‚mara de v·cuo atravÈs de bornes duplos ou simples. A tabela a obter uma bomba regenerada que substitua a bomba com defeito.
  • Page 16: Gebruiksaanwijzingen

    Varian verstrekte informatie door te lezen alvorens componenten die met het vacu¸m in aanraking komen niet met de het apparaat in gebruik te nemen. Varian acht zich niet blote handen aangeraakt worden. Gebruik altijd handschoenen of aansprakelijk voor de gevolgen van het niet of gedeeltelijk in acht een andere geschikte bescherming.
  • Page 17 De turbomoleculaire pompen van de serie Turbo V6000 mogen alleen hij ondoorzichtig of donker van kleur wordt. Zie ìTechnical gebruikt worden in combinatie met een van de speciale Varian Informationî voor de betreffende procedure. controllers (serie 969-9491, 969-9591) en moeten aangesloten zijn op een primaire pomp (zie schema in "Technical information").
  • Page 18: Brugsanvisning

    For at undg afgasningsproblemer skal man ikke r¯re med de Varian har leveret, inden udstyret tages i brug. Varian er ikke bare hÊnder de dele, der vil bliver udsat for vakuum. Brug altid ansvarlig, hvis vejledningen ikke er n¯je fulgt, eller hvis den kun er...
  • Page 19 Se ìTechnical Informationî ìTechnical Informationî for yderligere detaljer. vedr¯rende fremgangsmÂden. TurbomolekulÊrpumperne i V6000 serien m kun anvendes med en af de sÊrlige Varian kontrolapparater (serie 969-9491, 969- 9591) og skal forbindes med en primÊr pumpe (se skemaet i ADVARSEL! "Technical Information").
  • Page 20: Bruksanvisning

    Utrustningen ‰r avsedd fˆr yrkesm‰ssig anv‰ndning. Anv‰ndaren bˆr l‰sa denna bruksanvisning, samt ˆvrig dokumentation frÂn Varian fˆre anv‰ndning av utrustningen. Varian tar inget ansvar fˆr skador helt eller delvis till fˆljd av Âsidos‰ttande av instruktionerna, ol‰mplig anv‰ndning av person utan tillr‰cklig kunskap, obehˆrigt bruk av utrustningen eller hantering som...
  • Page 21 Om pumpen havererar, kontakta Varian reparationsverkstad eller Turbopumpen ISO-intagsfl‰ns f‰stas Varian utbytesservice, som kan ers‰tta pumpen med en renoverad vakuumkammaren med hj‰lp av dubbla eller enkla klamrar. Den pump fˆljande tabellen beskriver olika fl‰nsstorlekar, olika typer av klamrar, nˆdv‰ndigt antal klamrar och Âtdragningsmoment.
  • Page 22: Brukerveiledning

    Dette utstyret er beregnet til bruk av profesjonelle brukere. Brukeren b¯r lese denne brukerveiledningen og all annen informasjon fra Varian f¯r utstyret tas i bruk. Varian kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for hendelser som skjer p grunn av manglende oppf¯lging av disse instruksjonene, selv delvis, feilaktig bruk av utrent personell, ikke autoriserte endringer av utstyret eller handlinger som pÂ...
  • Page 23 Sm¯reoljen m byttes ut hver 6. mÂned eller nÂr oljen blir matt Turbo-V6000 serien turbo-molekulÊre pumper m kun brukes eller m¯rk. Se den spesifikke prosedyren i ìTeknisk Informasjonî. med en av de spesielle Varian kontrollere (serie 969-9491, 969- 9591), og m koples til hovedpumpen (se skjema i "Teknisk informasjon").
  • Page 24: Kƒytt÷Ohjeet

    Jotta kaasun poistumisongelmilta v‰ltytt‰isiin, ei tyhjiˆˆn tarkoitet- k‰yttˆˆnottoa tulee k‰ytt‰j‰n lukea huolellisesti mukana seuraava tuihin osiin tule koskea paljain k‰sin. Hanskojen tai muun sopivan k‰yttˆohje sek‰ kaikki muu Varianin toimittama lis‰tieto. Varian ei suojan k‰yttˆ on tarpeellinen. ota vastuuta seurauksista, jotka johtuvat laitteen k‰yttˆohjeiden t‰ydest‰...
  • Page 25 Informationì-liitteest‰. ìTechnical Informationî saatte ohjeet t‰m‰n toimenpiteen Sarjan V6000 turbomolekyylipumppuja tulee k‰ytt‰‰ ainoastaan suorittamiseen. niihin sopivien varian valvojien kanssa (sarja 969-9491, 969-9591) ja niiden t‰ytyy olla yhdistettyin‰ p‰‰pumppuun (katso kaaviota osasta "Technical Information"). VAARA! Turbopumppu tulee asentaa pystyasentoon, jolloin Ennen mink‰‰n tyyppist‰ toimenpidett‰ ottakaa pois p‰‰lt‰...
  • Page 26 Varian, prin apov th crhsimopoivhsh tmhvmata provkeitai ekteqouvn kenov. th« suskeuhv« . HVarian den fevrei kammiva euquvnh ovson crhsimopoieivte...
  • Page 27 Se perivptwsh blavbh« mporeivte na apeuqunqeivte sto sevrbi« mevggenwn. H akovlouqh tampevla perigravfei to aparaivthto episkeuwvn Varian hv sto ìVarian advanced exchange serviceî, pou nouvmero mevggenwn kai me poio zeuvgo« bidwvmato« na ta sfivxete.
  • Page 28: Instructions For Use

    Varian before operating the equipment. handle components which will be exposed to vacuum. Always use Varian will not be held responsible for any events occurring due to gloves or other appropriate protection. non-compliance, even partial, with these instructions, improper...
  • Page 29 50 KC. the special Varian controllers (series 969-9491, 969-9591) and must be connected to a primary pump (see "Technical In the case of breakdown, contact your local Varian service center Information"). who can supply a reconditioned pump to replace that broken The turbopump must be installed vertically with a maximum slope down.
  • Page 30: Technical Information

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION During normal operation, the motor is fed with a DESCRIPTION OF THE TURBOPUMP voltage of 100 Vac three-phase at 233 Hz. To re- The Turbo-V6000 pump is available in two models duce losses during start-up to a minimum, the fre- which differ only in the high vacuum flange: quency increases according to a ramp with a higher initial voltage/frequency ratio.
  • Page 31: Technical Specification

    Noise level Foreline flange ISO 100 Input 100 Vac, three phase, 233 Hz Vent port flange KF 10 NW Lubricant type Varian T.A. oil Rotational speed 14000 rpm Lubricant charge 1000 cm Start-up time 30 minutes Storage temperature - 20h C to + 70h C...
  • Page 32 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Graph of nitrogen pumping speed vs inlet pressure Graph of compression ratio vs foreline pressure Graph of nitrogen throughput vs inlet pressure using the recommended mechanical forevacuum pump 87-900-838-01(B)
  • Page 33: Inlet Screen Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION The following figure shows the overall flange di- INLET SCREEN INSTALLATION mensions with the protection screen fitted on pump with ISO flange. The inlet screens mod. 969-9308 prevents the blades of the pump from being damaged by debris greater than 2 mm diameter.
  • Page 34: Vent Device Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION VENT DEVICE INSTALLATION TYPICAL LAYOUT DIAGRAM The vent device mod. 969-9831 allows to avoid undesired venting of the pump during a temporary power failure (adjustable time up to 36 min.), and enables an automatic vent operation. Turbo-V controller Assemble the seal ring and lock the vent device in Vent valve position using the KF klamp as shown in the fol-...
  • Page 35: Connection A - High Vacuum Flange

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION Connection A - HIGH VACUUM FLANGE Connection C - ELECTRICAL To connect the Turbo pump to the ISO inlet The turbopump is connected to the controller flange, remove the outer ring and position the cen- through two connectors: a 7-pin connector and a tering ring as shown in the figure.
  • Page 36: Oil Fill

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION OIL FILL WATER COOLING CONNECTION Prior the use of the pump, the oil sump must be The turbopump must be used with the water cool- filled with oil according to the following procedure. ing connected. 1. Remove the screws at the bottom of the pump To connect the water cooling to the turbopump and detach the empty oil sump.
  • Page 37: Pump Used In Presence Of Magnetic

    This effect is strongly dependant from the inten- sity, time function and distribution of the magnetic NOTE field. Do not mix oil; use only Varian T.A. oil. In general, therefore, an increase in pump current ACCESSORIES can be expected. DESCRIPTION...
  • Page 38 NOTE: If a product is received at Varian which is contaminated with a toxic or hazardous material that was not disclosed, the customer will be held responsible for all costs incurred to ensure the safe handling of the product, and is liable for any harm or injury to Varian employees as well as to any third party occurring as a result of exposure to toxic or hazardous materials present in the product.
  • Page 39 Request for Return FAILURE REPORT TURBO PUMPS and TURBOCONTROLLERS POSITION PARAMETERS Power: Rotational Speed: Does not start Noise Vertical Current: Inlet Pressure: Does not spin freely Vibrations Horizontal Temp 1: Foreline Pressure: Does not reach full speed Leak Upside-down Mechanical Contact Overtemperature Other: Temp 2:...
  • Page 40 Tel: (39) 011 997 9111 Tel: (39) 011 997 9111 Fax: (39) 011 997 9350 Brazil Fax: (39) 011 997 9350 Varian Industria e Comercio Ltda. Japan Avenida Dr. Cardoso de Mello 1644 Internet Users: Varian Vacuum Technologies Vila Olimpia Customer Service &...

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Table des Matières