Polymax 1, 1/120 °C, 3 and 5
7.5 Pressure adjustment
The pressure inside the polymerisation
pot can be adjusted infinitely variable
between 3 bar and the maximum value
of the unit in question. For this purpose
pull out the reduction valve (24) at the
rear of the unit by means of the knob
and turn it anti-clockwise until there is
no resistance anymore (valve closed).
8. Operation Polymax 1/120 °C
Besides the general temperature area
of 0-95 °C the Polymax 1/120 °C also
permits to increase the water tempera-
ture to 120 °C. As the boiling point of
water is 100 °C, higher temperatures
may only be reached under pressure. In
order to avoid that hot water vapour of
120 °C escapes from the pressure pot
and in order to reduce the risk of scald-
ing when opening the lid, the Polymax
1/120 °C is equipped with a safety lock
which only allows the lid to open when
the operating pressure in the unit has
fallen and the temperature is lower than
95 °C (203 °F). This is also applicable
in case of power outage.
This means that in the application
process the pressure pot has to remain
closed when the unit is turned off and
pressure is exerted.
When the unit is turned on at the main
switch (14) the pressure pot exhausts
automatically and the lid (2) can be
Start pressure-polymerisation (see 7.3)
and turn the pressure reduction valve
clockwise. The manometer (a) shows the
adjusted pressure. When attaining the
desired pressure, let knob latch again.
Important: Do not adjust the pressure
below 2.5 bar! Lower pressure may lead
to leakage of the pneumatic sealing
between polymerisation pot and lid.
Adjustment of temperature and polym-
erisation time is to be executed as
described from point 7 et seqq. If a
temperature > 95 °C is required, 95 °C
should be selected as pre-warming tem-
perature; the final temperature is to be
adjusted directly before the polymerisa-
tion process.
According to the temperature of
the water bath the objects have
to be inserted and taken out with
suitable instruments!
The time until the final temperature is
reached has to be added to the gen-
eral polymerisation time. This can differ
between 10 and 20 minutes, depending
on the water filling level. As long as the
value in the temperature indication dis-
play (d) blinks, the final temperature has
not been reached. The present tempera-
ture of the water bath can be checked
at all times by pressing the temperature
switch (e). See point 7.4.
When the time has passed the unit ven-
95 °C. During this time the cooling air
tilates automatically. The lid of the Poly-
is released by means of the ventilation
max 1/120 °C can, however, only be
valve (26). When operating at 120 °C
opened, if the temperature of the water
the cool down phase can take 5-8 min-
bath has fallen below 95 °C.
utes from time expiration to the open-
ing of the lid.
If the pressure pot has got a tempera-
ture of more than 95 °C after the time
The possibility of opening the lid is indi-
has run out, it is cooled down by cold air
cated by the green control lamp (h).
until the temperature has fallen below
Open the lid and remove the objects.
9. Abort/termination of programme
The polymerisation process can be ter-
For following polymerisation processes
minated prematurely. For this purpose
with identical temperature continue as
push the adjustment knob (b) for 3
described from point 7.2 on.
seconds. The Polymax ventilates auto-
matically, the display for time shows 0,
the pre-adjusted temperature is main-
10. Change between °C and °F
At delivery the Polymax units are
Exception Polymax (1/120 °C): The time
adjusted to °C. In order to change to °F
indication display (f) shows the maxi-
push the temperature switch (e) and
mum values 120 °C or 248 °F. Push
the main switch (14) at the same time.
the adjustment knob (b) one time in
The temperature indication display (d)
order to confirm the selected tempera-
shows L (which stands for °C), the time
ture denomination. The time and tem-
indication display (f) shows the maxi-
perature indication displays (d + f) indi-
mum value of 95. By turning the adjust-
cate 0. Then go on as described from
ment knob (b) it is possible to change
point 7 on.
between L (°C) and H (°F). When the
machine is adjusted to H the time indi-
cation display shows the value 203.