10. "Goal" appears in the dis-
play. By pressing the arrow but-
tons, you can switch on target
weight analysis with "Yes" or
deactivate it with "NO". Confirm
with SET.
8. Operation
Weighing and measuring other body values
To simultaneously weigh yourself and determine other body values:
1. Press MEM and "User 1" will
appear in the display.
4. The display switches to 0.0
and the scale is ready to take
7. The display switches to show
your target weight (Goal), start
weight (Start) and the last record-
ed measurement (Last).
You will find information on analysis on page 14 – 15.
11. If the target weight analysis
was set with "Yes", "Goal" ap-
pears in the display along with
a kilograms display. Using the
arrow buttons, you can enter the
target weight you would like to
achieve. Confirm with SET.
2. Using the arrow buttons, call
up the storage location. After the
correct user has been selected,
wait a moment.
5. Step onto the scale to carry
out the measurement.
8. Furthermore, a bar chart
shows the progress remaining
until you reach your entered tar-
get weight.
12. Dotted lines will appear in
the display. After this, the scale
switches to 0.0 kg and you can
step onto the scale to carry out
the measurement.
3. Display: last recorded weight
and goal achieved so far are dis-
6. Display: current measured
weight and display for body fat,
body water, muscle mass and
bone weight.
9. The scale will switch off.