The status and faults of the UPS are signalled by the buzzer, which will emit a sound modulated according to the
operating conditions of the UPS.
The various kinds of sound are described here below:
Sound A:
The signal is emitted when the UPS is turned on or off using the relevant buttons. A single beep confirms
power-on, activation of the battery test, cancellation of the programmed power-off. When the power-off
button is kept pressed, the buzzer emits the sound A quickly four times, before confirming power-off by
emitting a fifth beep.
Sound B:
The signal is emitted when the UPS switches to bypass to compensate for the surge current due to the
activation of a distorting load.
Sound C:
The signal is emitted when the UPS switches to battery operation before the battery low signal (sound D).
Possibility of silencing the report (see paragraph "Graphic Display")
Sound D:
The signal is emitted during battery operation when the battery low alarm threshold is reached.
Possibility of silencing the report (see paragraph "Graphic Display")
Sound E:
This signal is emitted in the presence of an alarm or lock.
Sound F:
This signal is emitted if the battery overvoltage fault occurs
Sound G:
This type of signal is emitted when the battery test fails. The buzzer emits ten beeps. The alarm signal is
maintained by the "batteries to be replaced" LED lights up.
IV330 Rev.001 SIEL S.p.A.
Data di emissione: 2011-09-28
Pag. 91 di 252 + FR