The computer's default level is displayed
as T (Team of four). In this type of
game, the same deal is played twice, with
you playing South's hand first. The com-
puter then plays all four hands by taking
your place, replaying the hand you've just
played, comparing the two results, and
calculating the difference in International
Match Points. Note that the dealer and
vulnerability are preset for each hand.
After selecting the Team of Four Level
and pressing ENTER, choose your dealing
method and play the hand as in Rubber
Bridge. At the end, after pressing ENTER
to see the result, press ENTER again to
see the score. At this point, pressing
ENTER one more time will cause the
computer to replay the hand, and you'll
see Replaying displayed briefly. The
Pro Bridge 610 now bids and plays the
same hand in Autoplay Mode, with the
computer playing all four hands.
c. Computer Peeks
[Level Menu Item: 123456789TP]
This unique level, displayed as P for
computer Peeks, is also a Team of
Four Level. Here, the computer is given a
distinct advantage, in that it's allowed to
"see" game information that it would not
ordinarily be able to access. This level can
come in handy for those of you who find
that you're beating the computer once too
often. Try out Level P, and you'll definitely
have to work harder to win! Don't worry,
though, about giving up too much power—
the computer is fairly reasonable about
peeking, and uses only some of the avail-
able information to gain an advantage.
Note, also, that the advantage the com-
puter gains is more significant in defensive
play than in bidding or declarer play. You
can also rest assured that the computer
will never peek on any other level!
2.3 Sound Effects On/Off
[Main Menu Item: PGSIBLR]
Your computer's beeps and other sound
effects are on by default. However, if you'd
rather turn the sound off, it's easy to do.
To change the sound setting:
a. Press ESCAPE until you return to
the Main Menu, PGSIBLR.
b. Press > repeatedly to select the
letter S for Sound on/off.
Since pressing ESCAPE during the
bidding or playing phase will termi-
nate your current hand, make sure
to select all your options before
starting to play.
c. Press ENTER.
Line 1 = yn Sound, with the
current sound setting flashing.
Line 2 = Current sound setting.
d. Press > to select y for Sound on or
n for Sound off. Press ENTER to
confirm and return to the Main Menu.
Note that the
display whenever the sound is turned off.
2.4 Light Too Weak/Strong? Adjust It
[Main Menu Item: PGSIBLR]
If you're in a dim light situation, you have
the option of turning on the backlight to
illuminate the display. Press BACKLIGHT
to turn the light on, and press it again to
turn the light off. You also have the option
of adjusting the light intensity via the Main
Menu, as described below.
To adjust the light intensity:
a. Press ESCAPE until you return to
the Main Menu, PGSIBLR.
b. Press > repeatedly to select the
letter I for BL Intensity.
c. Press ENTER.
Line 1 = From one to five [ symbols,
indicating the current light setting.
Note that [ is the dimmest setting,
while [[[[[ is the brightest.
Line 2 = BL Intensity.
d. Press > repeatedly to turn on up to
five [ symbols. Then, press ENTER
to return to the Main Menu.
2.5 Bidding Systems
[Main Menu Item: PGSIBLR]
Your computer offers various bidding
systems for both North/South and East/
West: American Standard, Acol, French
Standard, and French Strong Two. Note
that the computer defaults to the American
Standard on start-up. For more information
on the bidding systems, see Appendix A.
symbol shows in the