EU Declaration of Conformity
Name / Address
of issuer:
We hereby declare that the following machine
Designation of machine:
Machine type:
Article number:
complies with the relevant provisions of the following directives:
Authorised agent for compilation of the technical documents:
STORCH Malerwerkzeuge & Profigeräte GmbH
Platz der Republik 6 - 8
D-42107 Wuppertal
Holger Joest
- Director of Product Management Technology & Service -
Wuppertal, Germany 07-2012
STORCH Malerwerkzeuge & Profigeräte GmbH
Platz der Republik 6-8
D - 42107 Wuppertal
Polystyrene cutter set HotKnife 250
Polystyrene cutter
43 61 50
2006 / 95 / EC / EN 60335-2 / A1-2008
2004 / 108 / EC / EN 55011 / EN 61000
Jörg Heinemann
- Managing Director -