3.3 Ad just ing/Lock ing the tow-bar
3.3.1 Ad just ing the tow-bar
In or der to set the tow-bar to the best work ing height, the tow-bar
can be ad justed to any po si tion by turn ing the ad just ment
screw (1).
The tow-bar can be hinged back as far as the stop in or der to al -
low the ma chine can be driven backwarts up to an upstacle.
3.3.2 Lock ing the tow-bar
The han dle can be fixed in an up right po si tion by slid ing the lock -
ing bolt (2) into the hole in the han dle. This makes it eas ier to
han dle the ma chine when load ing it.
3.4 Op er at ing con trols on the tow-bar
Re verse safe guard
The op er a tor is pre vented from be ing crushed when the ma chine
is be ing driven in re verse by means of the re verse safe guard. If
pres sure is ap plied to the knob (1), the drive le ver (2) is switched
to for ward drive. The ma chine will be drive for wards slightly and
then stop.
Drive le ver
The drive le ver con trols the di rec tion of travel and steplessly ad -
justs the speed of travel.
Ma chine re mains sta tion ary
For wards
Re verse
Vi bra tion con trol le ver
The vi bra tion can be switched on and off us ing the con trol le ver.
Vi bra tion off
High ex ci ta tion
Low ex ci ta tion
It is rec om mended that bi tu mi nous work be car ried out
at low ex ci ta tion (II), whereas high ex ci ta tion (I) should
be used for earth work.
3. Op er a tion