6. Main ten an ce
6.5.4 Check in take/out let open ings
• Check in take open ing for com bus tion air (1) and cool ing air in -
takes (2 / 3).
• Re move coarse ob struc tions such as leaves, stones and
• Check that dust out let (4) on the cen tri fu gal dust trap is not
blo cked, and cle an if ne ces sa ry.
6.5.5 Drai ning off wa ter (fuel tank)
The fuel tank must be checked once a week for ac cu mu la tions of
wa ter in or der to pre vent wa ter from pen e trat ing into the sen si tive
in jec tion sys tem.
• Un screw screw (1) to last turn on the thread.
• Col lect drops which flow out in a clear con tainer.
• De ter mine by vi sual in spec tion whether wa ter is drain ing out
(wa ter set tles to the bot tom of the con tainer).
• As soon as fuel flows out, clo se the screw again.