6. Main ten an ce
6.7.2 Check ing the hy drau lic oil level
If hy drau lic oil is miss ing by the daily hy drau lic oil
level con trol, the com po nents, hoses and con nec -
tions have to be checked im me di ately.
• Check the hy drau lic oil level on the oil sight glass (1).
• If nec es sary, top up the oil level as far as the up per part of the
sight glass us ing the oil fill ing plug (2).
6.7.3 Re plac ing the re turn fil ter el e ment
• Re move the cover (1).
• Un screw cap (1).
• Pull out the fil ter el e ment (2) and re place it with a new one.
• Check the seal ring (3) on the cap and re place if nec es sary.
• Screw cap in place.
• Moun ting co ver (1).