5. To wing
5.1 Be fore tow ing
Be fore tow ing, me chan i cally re lease the lock ing brake in the
back roller:
• Un screw the lock ing screw (1).
• Push the screws (2) to com press the springs (3).
• Tighten al ter na tively and pro gres sively the 2 screws (2) un til
they come into con tract (approx. 2 turns of screw).
• Re lease the by pass-screw (4) by 2-3 turns.
5.2 Tow ing
Ap pro pri ate means of at tach ment should al ways
be used when tow ing.
Max i mum tow ing speed: 0,5 km/h
Max i mum tow ing dis tance: 300 m
In or der to tow the ma chine, the means of at tach ment should be
at tached to the front or rearrings in the arms (Fig.).