Be Fore Op Er A Tion; Ad Ju Sting / Lo Cking The Tow-Bar - Ammann APH 110-95 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi D'origine

Table des Matières


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3.3 Be fore op er a tion

Use per sonal pro tec tive equip ment (in par tic u lar
hear ing pro tec tors and safety shoes).
Ob serve the safety con di tions.
Ob serve the op er a tion and main te nance in struc -
Read the En gine op er at ing in struc tions. Ob serve
the Importants on safety, op er a tion and main te -
nance con tained in them.
• Stand the ma chine on an even sur face.
• Check
• the En gine oil level
• the hy drau lic oil level
• the fuel level
• the cool ing liq uid
• fil ters
• that screw con nec tions are se cure
• the con di tion of the En gine and the ma chine.
• Top-up any miss ing lu bri ca tion in ac cor dance with the lu bri ca -
tion ta ble.
3.4 Ad just ing / lock ing the tow-bar
3.4.1 Ad just ing the tow-bar
The two stop bushes (1) on the tow-bar el e ment can be ad justed
to any po si tion in or der to achieve the best work ing height on the
tow-bar grip.
3.4.2 Lock ing the tow-bar
The han dle can be fixed in up right (2) po si tion..
The tow-bar lock makes it eas ier to han dle the ma chine when
load ing it.
To pre vent de flec tion, the tow-bar must not be locked
dur ing nor mal op er a tion.
3. Operation


Table des Matières

Table des Matières