Settings in the
menu area
Example 1: If "Consume" has been selected under the switch-off threshold and a power
of 500 W has been entered, the heat pump will be switched off as soon as the power
being drawn from the grid exceeds 500 W.
Example 2: If "Feed-in" has been selected under the switch-off threshold and a power of
500 W has been entered, the heat pump will be switched off as soon as the power being
fed in is less than 500 W.
The heat pump must be connected to the same Fronius Smart Meter.
Between the switch-on and switch-off thresholds, the self-consumption of the heat pump
must also be taken into consideration. For example, if the heat pump consumes 3000
Watts of electricity and a hysteresis of 500 Watt must be taken into account, the switch-
on threshold can be set to feed-in 3000 Watts and the switch-off threshold to purchase
500 Watts.
Open the Ohmpilot website
Establishing the data connection
cess the Ohmpilot website.
Under HEATER 2 for consumer, select "SG Ready heat pump"
Select "Feed-in" under Starting threshold and enter the desired output in watts at
which the heat pump is to be switched on.
Under Switch-off threshold, select "Consume" or "Feed-in" and enter the desired out-
put in watts at which the heat pump is to be switched off.
on page
describes how you can ac-