Twin wire 2x1,2 - - 2x2,0 mm, Light Twin:
Use two contact tips with M6 threads. For the correct wire sizes see the table
on page 54.
Tighten the contact tips well, to ensure a good electrical contact.
Fit the adapter for the M6 contact tip to the fixed half of the split contact
tube using M5 bolts. The pressure screw and loose half of the contact
tube are not required for this application.
Twin wire 2x2,0 - - 2x3,0 mm, Heavy Twin:
Use Twin contact jaws, for heavy electrodes (2x2,0 mm), see also Light
Fit the contact jaws using the M5 bolts provided. NOTE! Fit the half of the
contact jaws with the projection in the fixed half of the contact tube.
Remove the loose half of the contact tube when fitting new wire by undo-
ing the pressure screw.
Feed the wire down and guide it into the groove in the fixed half of the
contact jaws (with projection).
Undo the M5 bolts that hold the contact jaws and fit the loose half using
the M8 Allen bolt, so that both halves of the contact jaws surround the
electrode. Tighten the loose half of the contact jaws in place using the
M5 bolts to ensure good electrical contact.
Adjusting the wires during Twin--arc welding:
Adjust the positions of the wires in the joint by rotating the contact tip. Both
wires can be rotated so that they are in line with the joint, or up to 90_across
the joint, i.e. one wire either side of the joint.
11. Filling up with flux
Close the flux valve on the flux container.
Remove the separator for the flux pump, if fitted. Fill with flux.
NOTE! The flux must be dry. If possible, avoid using agglomerated flux out-
side or in humid environments.
Adjust the height of the flux nozzle above the weld to give the correct amount
of flux. The flux cover should be thick enough so that the arc cannot pen-
etrate it.
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