The classification on the display and the scale on the unit show
which category the recorded blood pressure values fall into. If
the values of systole and diastole fall into two different cate-
gories (e.g. systole in the 'High normal' category and diastole
in the 'Normal' category), the graphical classification on the de-
vice always shows the higher category; for the example given
this would be 'High normal'.
Blood pressure
value category
(in mmHg)
Grade 3:
severe hyper-
≥ 180
Grade 2:
moderate hyper-
160 – 179 100 – 109
Grade 1:
mild hyperten-
140 – 159 90 – 99
High normal
130 – 139 85 – 89
120 – 129 80 – 84
< 120
Source: WHO, 1999 (World Health Organization)
Resting indicator measurement (using HSD diagnostics)
The most frequent error made when measuring blood pressure
is taking the measurement when not at rest (haemodynamic
stability), which means that both the systolic and the diastolic
blood pressures are incorrect in this case.
(in mmHg)
seek medical at-
≥ 110
seek medical at-
regular monitoring
by doctor
regular monitoring
by doctor
< 80
While measuring the blood pressure, the device automatically
determines whether you are at rest or not.
If there is no indication that the circulatory system is not suf-
ficiently at rest, the symbol
up green and the measurement can be recorded as a reliable
resting blood pressure value.
GREEN: Haemodynamic stability
Measurement of the systolic and diastolic pressure is in-
creased when the circulatory system is sufficiently at rest and
is a very reliable indicator of resting blood pressure.
However, if there is an indication that the circulatory system is
not sufficiently at rest (haemodynamic instability), the symbol
lights up red.
In this case, the measurement should be repeated after a pe-
riod of physical and mental rest. The blood pressure measure-
ment must be taken when the patient is physically and mentally
rested, as it will be the basis for diagnosing the blood pressure
level and regulating the patient's medical treatment.
If the symbol
does not light up green or red, then it could
not be determined whether the circulatory system was suf-
ficiently at rest or not. In this case, the measurement should be
repeated after a period of physical and mental rest.
RED: Lack of haemodynamic stability
It is very probable that the systolic and diastolic blood pressures
have not been measured whilst the patient is at rest and the rest-
ing blood pressure measurement has therefore been distorted.
Repeat the measurement after a rest and relaxation period of
at least five minutes. Go to a sufficiently quiet and comfortable
spot and remain there calmly; close your eyes, breathe deeply
and evenly and try to relax.
(haemodynamic stability) lights