maximal wind speed intended for the sail.
Step 1: Ideally when unfurling, sail the boat to an apparent wind angle between 90-120 degrees. In this way the spi is NOT sheltered
by the main and will be unrolled by the power of the wind. Make sure that the furler with the rolled sail is well tensioned and in a
straight position.
Step 2: Release the furling line and start pulling on the leeward sheet. Typically for a top down furler the clew will be high in the air
and the angle of the sheet can make pulling the sail out difficult.
In case it does not unroll, you can help by pulling the reefing line opposite to the furling direction but while pulling on the leeward
sheet always. After a few turns of the spool the sail will catch the wind and accelerate the unrolling until it is fully deployed.
wARNING : Normally the reefing line will not turn with the spool when unfurling but in any case you should avoid any contact with
the line when it does run with the spool. Avoid also the contact with the anti torsion cable during the furling operation .
GybING :
Gybing an asymmetric sail is a complicated operation especially with a shorthanded crew. If the operation is not carried out correctly
the risk of catching the spinnaker in the forestay is very high; this risky maneuver should be avoided all times.
We advice to furl in the spinnaker before gybing and to unfurl the spinnaker after the main sail has been gybed.
When the sail is rolled on the furler you can easy have it dropped to the deck by releasing the halyard slowly. The sail can then be
stored in a big storage sail bag by making large loops. Although the furler is made of sea resistant materials we advise you to store
the furler together with the sail inside in a dry environment. Make sure that the sail is dry when you furl and store it.
The NEX spool and swivel can easily be disconnected from the Spin Kit / sail thanks to the i-connects. In this way the basic NEX furler
can also be used on other sails like a code 0.
wARNING : We do not advise to have the furler with a rolled sail hoisted when tacking upwind especially in extreme weather
condition like squalls. We advice you to drop and store the sail with the furler on the deck and keep it standby for a second hoist and
deployment. This eliminates any unintentional sail deployment and any unnecessary extra load on the rig.
Profurl SPINEX furlers do not require any special maintenance during its life time. The bearings in the spool and swivel are sealed and
filled with grease (except NEX 0.9). Do not spray any parts with any lubricant because this will shorten its life expectancy.
Rinse the spool and swivel with fresh water after use in sea water to avoid accumulation of salt and dirt.
Periodically check all parts looking for excessive wear, cracks or other damages especially for the textile components (reefing line,
anti torsion rope and lashings). If you find excessive wear, cracks or other damages renew the part in question before it fails !
If you have the spool attached to a tack line you will able to trim the spinnaker to maximize performance. Make sure that this tack
line cannot escape from its stopper else you may lose control over the spinnaker.
Before furling in you must pull back this tack line to its original position so that the furler with its anti torsion line is strait and tensio-
ned again. For this purpose you may make a mark on the tack line
This instruction is not intended to instruct you how to sail with an asymmetric spinnaker. Some instructions and warnings were
added which are not 100% relative to the Profurl SPINEX furling systems but these instructions and warnings should help you to
operate the furler and handle the sail safely.
Sailing in general should be performed by competent and sensible individuals or under the direction of a competent and sensible
person. Profurl cannot be held liable for any damage, or injury that may occur following improper use of the product in any way
what so ever.
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