This detailed replica features:
- weather-resistant construction
- opening cab doors
- four-way power control switch
- two protected gearboxes with
seven-pole Bühler motors
- twelve powered wheels
- one traction tire
- twelve power pickups
- digital electronic sound:
- synchronized steam chuffs
- bell and whistle sounds
- brake sounds
- air pump, safety valve and
steam sounds
- coal shoveling sound
- volume control
- remote control of sound fea-
tures (with Multi-Train System)
- voltage stabilization circuit
- smoke generator
- simulated fire box fire
- automatic directional lanterns
- one multi-purpose socket
- length: 510 mm (20.1 in)
- weight: 3400 g (7.5 lb)
With this model, we recommend
the following items:
30500 3rd Class Compartment
40120 Low-Side Gondola, Cab
51430 Worker Figures, Set 1
For information on the complete
LGB program, see the LGB cata-
Operating Modes
This model has a four-way power
control switch mounted inside the
cab (Fig. 1, 2):
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights and
smoke generator
Position 2: Power to lights, smoke
generator and motors
Position 3: Power to lights, smoke
generator, motors and
sound (factory pre-set)
Multi-Train System
This model has a decoder inter-
face. For Multi-Train System oper-
ation, it can be equipped with one
LGB MTS Decoder (55020) and
one MTS Motor Booster (55030)
using one MTS Decoder Interface
Cable (55026).
We strongly recommend decoder
installation by an LGB service
station. For more information,
contact your authorized LGB
retailer or an LGB service station
(see Authorized Service).
If this model is decoder-equipped,
you can control its sounds with
the Multi-Train System. With a
Remote, press the numbered loco
function buttons. With an MTS
Train Mouse, press the loco func-
tion button the matching number
of times. For example, to trigger
the bell, press button "2" on the
Remote. If you are using a Train
Mouse, press the function button
twice to trigger the bell.
1: Whistle
2: Bell
3: Smoke generator off/on
4: Sound off/on
5: Firebox off/on
6: Brake sound
7: Coal shoveling sound
8: Air pump sound
Hint: If this model is equipped
with a decoder, the digital/analog
DIP switches on the loco circuit
board must be set to OFF. The
DIP switches should remain in
this setting, even if the model is
used on an analog layout.
This model features a digital elec-
tronic sound system. The volume
control is located under the steam
dome (Fig. 3, 4). Remove the
steam dome cover to reach the
control. The sound can be
switched on and off using the
power control switch (see Oper-
ating Modes).
Other features can be switched
on and off using the DIP switches
under the steam dome (Fig. 4).
Remove the round plate to reach
the switches:
Switch 1: Digital/Analog
Switch 2: Brake sound on/off
Switch 3: Shoveling sound on/off
Switch 4: Starting whistle on/off
When Switch 1 is in the "Analog"
stopped, the standing sounds,
like the air pump, will continue as
long as the track voltage is
between 0 and 6 volts. When