ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO ...........................1 GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG ..........................3 MODE D’EMPLOI ...............................5 INSTRUCCIONES DE USO ..........................7 INSTRUÇÕES PARA O USO..........................9 GEBRUIKSAANWIJZINGEN..........................11 BRUGSANVISNING ............................13 BRUKSANVISNING............................15 BRUKERVEILEDNING .............................17 KÄYTTÖOHJEET .............................19 PDHGIES CRHSEWS ............................21 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE..........................23 TECHNICAL INFORMATION ...........................25 DESCRIPTION OF THE TV 551/701 NAVIGATOR ..............25 Pump Description ......................26 Controller Description ......................26 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ....................27...
Se, per qualsiasi ragione, il tempo di immagazzinamento è supe- riore, occorre reinviare la pompa in fabbrica. Per ogni informazio- ne, si prega di contattare il locale rappresentante della Varian. In presenza di campi elettromagnetici la pompa deve essere protetta tramite opportuni schermi. Vedere l'appendice "Techni- cal Information"...
In caso di guasto è possibile usufruire del servizio di riparazio- superiore a 120 °C. ne Varian o del "Varian advanced exchange service", che per- mette di ottenere un sistema rigenerato in sostituzione di quello guasto.
Beim Betrieb müssen folgende Umgebungsbedingungen ein- LAGERUNG gehalten werden: Um ein Höchstmaß an Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit der Varian Maximaler Druck: 2 bar über dem atmosphärischen Druck Turbomolekularpumpen zu gewährleisten, sind die folgenden Temperatur: von +5°C bis +35°C (siehe Diagramm im An- Anweisungen zu beachten: hang "Technical Information")
551/701 Navigator Der ISO-K-Flansch kann zum Beispiel mit hochfesten Stahlklem- men befestigt werden (Typ Modell Varian IC 63250 DCMZ). Die Zur Einschaltung von Modell TV 551/701 ist es mit der erforder- nachstehende Tabelle gibt an, wie viele Klemmen IC 63250 lichen Versorgungsspannung zu versorgen.
STOCKAGE température: de +5°C° à +35°C (Cf. graphique dans Pour garantir les performances et la fiabilité maximales des "Technical Information") pompes turbomoléculaires Varian, il est indispensable de humidité relative: 0 - 95% (non condensante) respecter les instructions suivantes : •...
"advanced exchange service", remplir et faire parvenir au bureau bride de fermeture. Eviter de toucher la turbopompe ainsi que ses Varian de votre région la fiche "Sécurité et Santé" jointe au présent accessoires éventuels pendant les opérations de chauffage. La manuel d'instructions.
Varian antes de completamente reciclable y cumple con la directiva CEE 85/399 usar el aparato. Varian se considera libre de posibles responsabilidades debidas al incumplimiento total o parcial de para la preservación del medio ambiente.
A modo de ejemplo, la brida ISO-K puede fijarse con mordazas de Para encender el TV 551/701 Navigator basta con suministrar acero de alta resistencia (como el modelo Varian IC 63250 DCMZ). la tensión de alimentación. El controlador incorporado reconoce En la siguiente tabla se indican, respecto de cada brida, la automáticamente la presencia de las señales de interbloqueo y...
Não depositar a embalagem no meio ambiente. O material é informações adicionais fornecidas pela Varian antes de utilizar a completamente reciclável e em conformidade com a norma aparelhagem. A Varian não se responsabiliza pela inobservância CEE 85/399 para a protecção do meio ambiente.
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Por exemplo, o flange ISO-K pode ser fixado com bornes de aço Navigator de alta resistência (como o modelo Varian IC 63250 DCMZ). Para ligar o TV 551/701 é suficiente fornecer a tensão de A tabela a seguir contém, por cada flange, o número de bornes alimentação.
Deze apparatuur is bestemd voor beroepsmatig gebruik. De gebruiker wordt verzocht aandachtig deze handleiding en alle overige door Varian verstrekte informatie door te lezen alvorens ATTENTIE! het apparaat in gebruik te nemen. Varian acht zich niet ontgassingsproblemen voorkomen, mogen aansprakelijk voor de gevolgen van het niet of gedeeltelijk in componenten die met het vacuüm in aanraking komen niet met...
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8600 Nm rondom de eigen as te weerstaan. Inschakeling en gebruik van de TV 551/701 De ISO-K-flens kan bijvoorbeeld bevestigd worden met stalen klemmen met een hoge weerstand (zoals het model Varian IC Navigator 63250 DCMZ). Om de TV551/701 Navigator in te schakelen is het voldoende De volgende tabel beschrijft voor elke flens het aantal om deze van stroom te voorzien.
EU-direktiv 85/399 om miljøbeskyttelse. information fra Varian, før udstyret anvendes. Varian tager ikke ansvar for skader helt eller delvis som følge af tilsidesættelse af disse instruktioner, fejlagtig brug af personer uden tilstrækkeligt VIGTIGT! kendskab, ukorrekt anvendelse af udstyret eller håndtering, der Komponenter, der skal udsættes for vakuum, må...
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ISO-K-flangen kan eksempelvis fastspændes ved hjælp af forsyningsstik. indbyggede styreenhed genkender stålklemmer med høj styrke (f.eks. modellen Varian IC 63250 blokerings- og startsignaler automatisk, og starter pumpen. DCMZ). Pumpen startes første gang ved hjælp af SOFT START Nedenstående tabel beskriver antallet af klemmer (IC 63250 metoden.
Komponenter som skall utsättas för vakuum får inte hanteras dokumentation från Varian före användning av utrustningen. med bara händer p g a kontamineringsrisken. Använd alltid Varian tar inget ansvar för skador helt eller delvis till följd av handskar eller liknande skydd. åsidosättande av instruktionerna, olämplig användning av person utan tillräcklig kunskap, obehörigt bruk av utrustningen...
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är lägre än 50ºC. Om pumpen havererar, kontakta Varian reparationsverkstad VARNING! eller Varian utbytesservice, som kan ersätta systemet med ett renoverat system. Sätt aldrig igång pumpen om intagsflänsen varken är kopplad till vakuumkammaren eller är blockerad på plats med OBSERVERA låsflänsen.
Brukeren bør lese denne brukerveiledningen og all annen For å unngå avgassingsproblemer, må ingen del som skal informasjon fra Varian før utstyret tas i bruk. Varian kan ikke utsettes for vakuum håndteres med bare hendene. Bruk alltid holdes ansvarlig for hendelser som skjer på grunn av hansker eller andre og passende verneutstyr.
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ISO-K-flensen kan f.eks. festes ved hjelp av stålklemmer med Første igangsetting av pumpen skjer med MYK START, som høy styrke (f.eks. modellen Varian IC 63250 DCMZ). etter denne første igangsettingssyklusen desaktiveres, slik at Den følgende tabellen beskriver antall klemmer IC 63250 etterfølgende igangsettinger skjer uten MYK START.
Jotta kaasun vuoto-ongelmilta vältyttäisiin, ei tyhjiölle altistuviin laitteen käyttöönottoa tulee käyttäjän lukea huolellisesti ohjekirja osiin tule koskea paljain käsin. Käyttäkää aina käsineitä tai ja muut Varianin toimittamat lisätiedot. Varian ei ota vastuuta muuta sopivaa suojausta. seurauksista, jotka johtuvat laitteen käyttöohjeiden täydellisestä...
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Esim. ISO-K-laippa voidaan kiinnittää erittäin kestävillä pumpun. teräskiinnikkeillä (esim. malli Varian IC 63250 DCMZ). Seuraavassa taulukossa ilmoitetaan jokaiselle laipalle tarvittava Pumpun ensimmäinen käynnistys tapahtuu “Soft Start” - IC 63250 DCMZ -kiinnitinmäärä ja niiden kiristysmomentit. menetelmällä, joka inaktivoituu automaattisesti käynnistysjakson...
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£llh prÒsqeth plhrofor∂a pou d∂nei h gumn£ c◊ria ta sustatik£ pou e∂nai proorism◊na na ekteqoÚn sto Varian, prin apÒ th crhsimopo∂hsh thj suskeuÿj. H Varian den f◊rei kenÒ. kamm∂a euqÚnh Òson afor£ thn olikÿ ÿ merikÿ aq◊thsh twn odhgièn, Crhsimopoie∂te ta g£ntia ÿ...
50°C. Se autÿn thn par£grafo anaf◊rontai oi kurièterej epiceirhsiak◊j diadikas∂ej. Se per∂ptwsh bl£bhj mpore∂te na apeuqunqe∂te sto service thj Varian Prin na crhsimopoiÿsete to sÚsthma pragmatopoie∂te Òlej tij ÿ sto “Varian advanced exchange service”, pou saj d∂nei th hlektrik◊j kai pneumatik◊j sund◊seij. Kat£ th di£rkeia thj dunatÒthta na antikatastÿsete thn calasm◊nh antl∂a me m∂a £llh...
Varian before operating the equipment. hands to handle components which will be exposed to vacuum. Varian will not be held responsible for any events occurring due Always use gloves or other appropriate protection. to non-compliance, even partial, with these instructions, im-...
50 °C. While heating the vacuum chamber, the temperature of the inlet flange must not exceed 120 °C. In the case of breakdown, contact your local Varian service center who can supply a reconditioned system to replace that broken down.
551 and two models for TV 701. The models of − Model 969-8975 for TV 701 Navigator. each group differ in the high vacuum flange. The TV 551 Navigator four models are: − Model 969-8832 with ISO 160 high vacuum flange; − Model 969-8833 with ConFlat 8” external di- ameter high vacuum flange;...
TECHNICAL INFORMATION The pump can operate in any position and can be Pump Description supported on the high vacuum flange. The con- The pump consists of a high frequency motor driv- nection of the forevacuum on the side of the pump ing a turbine fitted with 8 bladed stages and 4 is a KF 25 NW flange.
Navigator software (optional) Recommended Installation category forepump Mechanical Varian DS 302 Pollution degree Varian Triscroll PTS 300 Storage temperature -20° C to +70° C Operating position Weight kg (lbs) Operating ambient +5 °C to +35 °C ISO flange 19.4 (43)
TECHNICAL INFORMATION TV 551/701 NAVIGATOR OUTLINE The following figures show the TV 551/701 Navi- gator outlines (dimensions are in inches [mm]). TV 551 Navigator outline 87-900-934-01(D)
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TECHNICAL INFORMATION TV 701 Navigator outline 87-900-934-01(D)
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TECHNICAL INFORMATION TV 551 TV 701 Graph of nitrogen pumping speed vs inlet pressure (with inlet screen) Graph of compression ratio vs foreline pressure Graph of nitrogen throughput vs inlet pressure using the recommended mechanical forevacuum pump 87-900-934-01(D)
TECHNICAL INFORMATION INTERCONNECTIONS J1 - IN-OUT The following figure shows the TV 551/701 inter- connections. This connector carries all the input and output sig- nals to remote control the TV 551/701 Navigator. It is a 15-pins D type connector; the available sig- nals are detailed in the table, the following para- graphs describe the signal characteristics and use.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SPEED SETTING: PWM input signal to set the FAULT: this open collector output signal is ON pump speed. The PWM signal characteristics must when a system fault condition is detected. be the following: • frequency: 100 Hz +/-20% PROGRAMMABLE SET POINT: this open collec- •...
TECHNICAL INFORMATION When no external input-output device is available this connector must be closed with the supplied mating connector that short-circuits the START and INTERLOCK inputs with the GROUND input (see the following figure). How to connect the output open collector of the controller Here below there are the typical connections of the output open collector of TV551/701 Navigator to...
TECHNICAL INFORMATION P2 - Serial Communication Protocol The communication protocol is a MASTER/SLAVE type where: • Host = MASTER • Controller = SLAVE The communication is performed in the following way: 1. the host (MASTER) send a MESSAGE + CRC to This is a 9 pin D-type serial input/output connector the controller (SLAVE);...
TECHNICAL INFORMATION The addressed SLAVE will respond with an AN- Command: SOFT-START (OFF) Source: PC SWER whose structure depends from the MESSAGE Destination: Controller type. When the MESSAGE is a reading command, the SLAVE will respond transmitting a string with the same structure of the MESSAGE.
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Off = 0 valve on/off Off = 0 (on = closed) (on = closed) (default = 1) (default = 1) Reserved to Varian service Reserved to Varian service Set the vent Automatic = 0 Set the vent Automatic = 0 valve (see note 1.)
0 to 4x10 ber (zeroed by the reset command) Pump life in 0 to 4x10 hours (ze- roed by the reset com- mand) Reserved to Varian service QE5XXXX EPROM (where “XXXX” (QE) are variable) CRC Pa- PA5XXXX ram. (PA) (where “XXXX”...
TECHNICAL INFORMATION The screen can be removed as shown in the fol- HEATER BAND INSTALLATION lowing figure. The heater band model 969-9808 and 969-9807 The following figure shows the overall flange di- can be used to heat the pump casing when a mensions with the protection screen fitted on bakeout is needed.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION Switch on the heater while the turbopump is in op- eration. In the event of turbopump overheat, the pump will be automatically cut out by the thermis- tor sensor. NOTE The turbopump must be "baked" only when operat- ing with an inlet pressure less than 10 mbar and with water cooling.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION To fix the fan to the TV 551/701 case execute the TV 551/701 Pump with Standard Rack following procedure (see the following figure): Controller When the TV 551/701 pumps are used with the 1. Fix the fan to the suitable bracket by means of standard rack controller, it is necessary to utilize the furnished screws;...
TECHNICAL INFORMATION Cooling may be carried out either through an open WATER COOLING KIT INSTALLATION circuit with eventual discharge of the water, or us- The water cooling kit mod. 969-9347 or 969-9337 ing a closed circuit cooling system. must be installed when the pump is used under heavy load conditions or when air cooling is insuf- The water temperature must be between +10°C ficient.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION Then screw the vent valve into the pump and Vent Device mod. 969-9831 tighten it using a 16 mm hexagonal spanner with a torque of 2.5 Nm. The vent device has adjustable delay time (up to 36 min.). To install the vent device unscrew and remove the threaded plug (see figure below).
TECHNICAL INFORMATION and then screw the gas purge valve (with a torque VIBRATION ISOLATOR INSTALLATION of 2.5 Nm) as shown in the following figure. Six vibration isolators for ISO and CFF inlet flange version pumps are available as accessories. The four model part numbers are the following: −...
TECHNICAL INFORMATION TV 551/701 CONTROLLER INSTALLATION Side mounting The controller can be mounted in two position: NOTE − bottom mounting (as per the complete system) The L-shaped bracket (P/N 969-9349) is available as an option. − side mounting. See the following figure. To install the controller execute the following pro- 1.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION Connection A - HIGH VACUUM FLANGE For ConFlat flange connections we recommend using Varian hardware. For ISO-K flange connections, fix the two flanges To facilitate assembly and dismantling, apply Fel- with the clamps as shown in the figure.
Connection B - FORE-VACUUM PUMP CAUTION A flange KF 25 NW is available to connect the To prevent bearing damage, Varian suggests a Turbo-V551/701 pump to the fore-vacuum pump. minimum purge gas flow rate of 10 sccm (0.17 A hose or vacuum approved pipe can be used. If a mbar l/s).
969-9344 However if the effect is grater, than the case Vibration isolator, CF 6" 969-9334 should be carefully reviewed by Varian's specialist. Vibration isolator, ISO 160 969-9345 As a matter of fact, in case of high magnetic fields, Vibration isolator, CF 8"...
NOTE: If a product is received at Varian which is contaminated with a toxic or hazardous material that was not disclosed, the customer will be held responsible for all costs incurred to ensure the safe handling of the product, and is liable for any harm or injury to Varian employees as well as to any third party occurring as a result of exposure to toxic or hazardous materials present in the product.
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Request for Return FAILURE REPORT TURBO PUMPS and TURBOCONTROLLERS POSITION PARAMETERS Power: Rotational Speed: Does not start Noise Vertical Current: Inlet Pressure: Does not spin freely Vibrations Horizontal Temp 1: Foreline Pressure: Does not reach full speed Leak Upside-down Mechanical Contact Overtemperature Other: Temp 2:...
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Fax: (82) 2 3452 2451 Korea China Mexico Tel: (82) 2 3452 2452 (dedicated line) Varian Technologies - Beijing Varian, S. de R.L. de C.V. Room 1201, Jinyu Mansion Concepcion Beistegui No 109 No. 129A, Xuanwumen Xidajie Col Del Valle Xicheng District C.P.