Bead breaking unit is underpowered, does not break the bead
and is leaking air
Carry out the checks in the previous point: "Bead breaking unit not working".
Cylinder gaskets worn.
➥ Replace gaskets.
➥ Replace bead breaker cylinder.
Bead breaker cylinder leaks air around the rod
Air gaskets worn.
➥ Replace gaskets.
➥ Replace bead breaker cylinder.
Gear unit noisy. The turntable makes a 1/3 of a turn and then stops
Reduction gear is seizing.
➥ Replace the reduction gear .
Turntable stops under strain, but the motor is running
Insufficient belt tension.
➥ Adjust belt tension or replace it.
Turntable fails to clamp rims
Faulty turntable cylinder.
➥ Replace the turntable cylinder.
Tips of locking wedges are worn.
➥ Replace the locking wedges.
Control pedals do not return to their position
Pedal return spring broken.
➥ Replace the spring.
Bead breaker cylinder lacks force, fails to break beads and
leaks air
Silencer plugged.
➥ Replace the silencer.
Cylinder seals worn.
➥ Replace the seals.
➥ Replace the bead breaker cylinder.
User's manual