The tube for supplying fresh outside air has a diameter of 100 mm. The air supply duct can be connected to the back of the
stove. If the external air supply duct goes through a fi re-resistant wall, the duct must be sealable. If the duct is longer than 1
metre including a 90° bend, the diameter of the duct must be bigger.
Connecting the hearth
The Mata is a heavy woodstove. The model weighs 130 kg, including the 2 metre fl ue tube. Verify whether the wall onto which
the stove is installed is strong enough to hold the weight. Follow the instructions given in the previous chapter (Preparation)
before installing the stove. Protect the fl oor during mounting the stove, and mind your back.
Opening the door
The door can be opened to the right. The Mata's door fastener is a so-
called ball snap lock that makes it easy open the door and push it closed
again. The right 'ear' of the door functions as a handle.
The door becomes hot during use, so we recommend using
gloves to open and close it to prevent burns.
Wall mounting
The related images (fi g. 1 through 8) are found on page 51.
Check that the wall you are mounting the stove to is suffi ciently fi reproof. Find this information under 'Fire safety' on page 21.
Check the wood stove's packaging material. Never fi t a wood stove that comes out of the packaging damaged. Report any
damage to WANDERS.
Be careful when unpacking the wood stove and be sure to protect the fl oor.
Remove the upper part of the crate. This is screwed in place to the underside (fi g. 1 to 3).
Fit the suspension bracket (dimensions on page 53) to the wall (fi g. 4 and 5). Never use fastening material made of plastic.
Make sure the bracket is placed centrally under the stove pipe. The bolts used may not protrude more than 10 mm.
If necessary, fi t the external ventilation pipe in the wall fi rst and connect it to the wood stove later.
If required, fi t an extension pipe for external ventilation with a diameter of at least 100 mm.
Suspend the wood stove from the bracket. The base of the packaging material may be used as a lifting aid for this purpose
(fi g. 6 to 8). The stove must be lifted by at least two people – but take care not to hurt your back!
Fit the fl ue gas extraction duct in such a way that it is leak-proof.
Installing the fi lter
The fi lters from Wanders are coated with a catalytically active layer. So as not to limit the eff ect of this layer, it
is important that the fi lters are not touched with bare hands. Use gloves for this. Note the fi lters are very fragile.
The images referred to can be found on page 52.
Remove the two fi lter plates from the package and place them in the designated stainless steel holder (fi g. 9).
Then place the stainless steel holder (indicated in blue) with the fi lter in the fi replace (fi g. 10 and fi g. 11).
Carefully place the baffl e plate in the appropriate brackets (fi g. 12 and fi g. 13).
Replacing the glass in the door
Open the door with the broken pane carefully.
Remove the glass clips (A) on the inside of the door.
Replace the glass pane. Beware: the glass is sharp!
Check the integrity of the ceramic band and ensure it is properly secured
to the door. If not: refasten it with neutral silicone sealant or replace it in
its entirety.
Replace the broken glass (beware of sharp edges!).
Refi t everything.