What you should know about blood pressure
1. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures
The cardiovascular system has the important
function of supplying all the organs and
tissues in the body with sufficient blood and
removing metabolic products. The heart con-
tracts and relaxes at a regular rate of about
60-80 times a minute. The pressure of the
flowing blood on the arterial walls, which
arises when the heart contracts, is termed
systolic. The pressure in the ensuing relaxa-
tion phase when the heart is refilled with
blood is termed diastolic. When you perform
daily monitoring you measure both figures.
Why you have to measure different
Our blood pressure responds to external and
internal influences like a sensitive measuring
instrument. It can be affected by even slight
changes. That makes it easier to understand
why figures measured at the doctor's or
pharmacist's are often higher than those you
measure at home in your accustomed envi-
ronment. Changes in weather, changes in
climate, physical work and emotional stress
can also have an effect.
Why measure blood pressure
The time of day also has an influence on the
level of blood pressure. During the day the
figures are usually higher than during periods
of rest at night. For this reason, one-off
measurements and irregular measurements
will tell you little about your actual blood
pressure. Reliable assessment is only possible
if individual measurements are taken regu-
larly. Discuss the results with your doctor.