1 General
1.1 Introduction
The AAP-711i/712i are high-quality analog audio processors. The AAP-711i processes two channels
while the AAP-712i can process up to four channels. When used in a mix analog/digital environment
both modules offer digital AES outputs that can be locked to an external reference signal (NTSC,
PAL, DARS or Word Clock). These powerful features make the AAP-711i/712i ideal for handling
incoming analog audio feeds
The audio channels can be individually swapped, phase inverted, muted, summed and level
adjusted.. Both modules provide two delay elements: a user-adjustable fixed delay and a video
tracking delay with a timing window of up to 8 fields. The total delay can be set for up to 10 s. The
video tracking delay is received directly from an external video processor module like the DVP-101i.
An internal EBU tone generator eases audio level tracking.
Both modules are compatible with AES3 110 Ω balanced and AES-3id 75 Ω unbalanced digital audio
1.2 Features
• 24-bit digital audio processing
• Analog and digital audio outputs
• -96 to +12 dB of input and output level adjustments (by 0.5 dB step)
• Fixed and/or video tracking delay up to 10 sec @ 48 kHz
• 96 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz or 32 kHz output sampling rate
• Full 4x4 channel swapping
• Phase inversion for each channel
• 2 or 4 inputs mix down selectable on each output
• Locks to NTSC, PAL, AES, Word Clock or video synchronizer
• Internal EBU tone generator
• Digital AES/EBU outputs support AES3 and AES3-id
• 4 (or 2) high quality analog audio outputs
• 0 dBFS adjustment: +24, +22, +21, +20, +18, +16, +15 dBu
• Monitoring functions (selection, level, mute)
• 4 (or 2) GPI alarm outputs
• 2 user defined setups
Guide to installation & Operation
AAP-711i - AAP-712i