3. Put the oil in the pan and heat it at medium heat setting (max. 170 °C).
Do not put all the oil in the pan at once to not overfi ll it. Depending on the size and
number of pieces of chicken, you may not need as much oil.
4. Put the frying basket in the pan.
5. Take the pieces of chicken out of the buttermilk and roll them around in the mixture
of fl our and spices.
6. Carefully put the pieces of chicken one after another in the frying basket and fry them
in the hot oil for about 15–20 minutes. Attention! Do not put all pieces of chicken in
the frying basket at the same time. Otherwise they may not be cooked all the way
7. Take the pieces of chicken out and let them drip dry on a paper towel.
8. Once you are done frying, take the frying basket out of the pan and let it drip dry on
a paper towel.
9. Take the pan with the hot oil off of the stove and let it cool off completely.
Rib eye roast
1 roast taken from the core of the prime rib without the chine bone or other bone
(max. 1.5 kg)
4 cloves of garlic
2 fresh rosemary sprigs
4 fresh sprigs of thyme
1 TSP salt
½ TSP black peppercorns
2 TSP olive oil
1. Chop up the garlic.
2. Take the thyme and rosemary leaves off of the sprig.
3. Mix the oil, garlic, salt, pepper and herbs in a bowl.
4. Preheat the pan slightly at medium heat.
5. Put the roast in the pan and briefl y fry on the side with the meat.
6. Flip the roast over and rub the top side with the mixture of garlic and herbs.
7. Put the lid on the pan.
8. Put the pan in the preheated oven and cook for about 1½–2 hours at 190–200 °C.
9. Once the roasting time has elapsed, take the roast out of the oven, let sit for about 20
minutes and then fi nish cooking it.