1. Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water with oil, salt and sugar.
2. Add fl our and knead into a smooth dough.
3. Gently grease the pan.
4. Put the dough in the pan, cover it and let it rise in a cool location until it has doubled
in size.
5. Spread the dough out in the pan and push it up to the edge.
6. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and spread them out on the dough.
7. Spread cheese and oil over the dough.
8. Put the pan in the preheated oven and bake at 190–200 °C for about 30 minutes.
1 piece of salmon with skin (about 800–1000g)
1 bunch of green asparagus
1 small yellow pumpkin
2 TSP sweet chili sauce
3 TSP white wine
Salt and pepper
1. Wash the pumpkin and asparagus.
2. Cut the pumpkin into slices and cut about 2 cm off of the end of the asparagus.
3. Preheat the pan slightly at medium heat.
4. Put the salmon in the pan with the skin down and fry for about 5 minutes.
5. Put the asparagus and pumpkin in the pan alongside the salmon.
6. Add sweet chili sauce and white wine.
7. Put the lid on the pan and let cook at medium heat for about 10 minutes.
Fried chicken
1 chicken (cut into pieces)
about 400 g fl our
2 TSP of garlic (granules)
2 TSP of onions (granules)
2 TSP cumin
1 TSP thyme
2 TSP salt
2 TSP black pepper
about 1 litre of buttermilk
about 2 l of vegetable oil
1. Wash the chicken thoroughly, pat dry and soak in the buttermilk for about 6 hours.
2. Mix the fl our with the spices.