If inhaled, vapours may cause headaches and fatigue as
well as other symptoms.
— The soldering pencil has a rated output of 30 watts and is therefore
ideal for electronics soldering.
— The design of the soldering pencil makes it especially suitable for
use where access is difficult or for fine soldering work.
— To achieve the best results use electronics solder 1.0 or 1.5 mm
diameter 60 % Sn, 40 % Pb. We recommend the use of soldering
paste (not soldering grease or soldering fluid) as a flux.
C lean the soldering tip
A fter cleaning the tip
This is done by melting solder on to the hot soldering tip
G uide the soldering tip
P lace the solder (with flux) between the joint site and the tip
to melt it.
C ontinue to feed further solder until the whole joint has a covering
of solder.
T hen quickly remove the soldering tip in order to avoid overheating
the molten solder.
A llow the solder to harden while not subjecting it to vibration or
N ote: The flux is either already contained in the solder or applied
separately. Ask the advice of the retailer when buying solder in or-
der to choose the most suitable solder for your intended purpose.
Attachments and applications:
ATTENTION! Do not carry out any special changes or repairs to the
electrics or other parts. Exceptions are permitted if the person carrying
out such changes or repairs is qualified or trained to do so.
42 GB
on the moist solder sponge
it must be "tinned" (coated with solder).
to the intended joint site and heat the joint.