If you cannot avoid lower feedback addresses, please bear in mind that 1 feedback
address always occupies 4 point addresses.
Feedback address
You will find the complete table relevant to this at the end of this operating manual.
One more example by way of explanation:
Let us assume that 2 switch decoders LS... are installed on your layout, each of
which is connected to 4 points. The point addresses chosen are 1 to 8. In keeping
with the above table, these 8 point addresses occupy the feedback addresses 1
and 2. Therefore, they may not be used for the feedback module LRB08.
Now, if you want to use a LRB08, you may not connect it to address 1 or 2 but to
the next available (i.e. unused) address 3. If, however, you want to expand your
layout and add further points, you may want to numerate these in order. In this
case, addresses 9 to 12 would no longer be available because feedback address 3
is occupied by the LRB08. Such problems can be avoided by following our
recommendation to start with address 65.
Programming the address and other features of the LRB08
Before using the LRB08 on your layout, you need to set it to its address (a
procedure we call 'programming'). Settings will be stored permanently inside the
LRB08, they are not lost even if the Digital plus system is switched off. The values
of the settings are saved in so-called configuration variables, or CVs. CVs are
similar to small index cards on which you have written values that can be erased
and rewritten.
occupies point
1 to 4
5 to 8
9 to 12