The LBER measurement is provided in scientific notation (i.e. 1.0 E-8 means 1.0 x
, that is to say one incorrect bit of every 100.000.000) as its value is smaller the
signal quality will be better).
Next it is shown the tuning frequency and the frequency deviation in kHz between
the tuned frequency and the one, which optimizes the LBER. (for example Freq.:
730 MHz+ 2 kHz).
Finally it is shown a status line with information about the detected signal. The
possible messages that can appear and its meaning are showing the following list. The
messages are exposed from less to more fulfilment of the MPEG-2 standard:
No signal received
No signal has been detected.
Signal received
A signal is detected but it can not be decoded.
P1 Fixed Signaling
The demodulator has found a symbol P1.
L1-PRE Fixed Signaling
The demodulator has been able to decode the signaling information L1-Pre.
L1-POST Fixed Signaling
The demodulator has been able to decode the signaling information L1-Post.
Correct detection of a MPEG-2 DVB-T2 signal.
DVB-S/S2 signals
Once determined the parameters of QPSK signal, it will be possible to measure
BER. Following is shown the BER measurement before the error corrections: BER
before the FEC: CBER.
Figure 38.- DVB-S (QPSK) signals CBER measurement screen.
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