• Sugar-based foods such as dark cream,
starch and syrup should be cleaned im-
mediately, without waiting for the surface
to cool. Otherwise, the glass cooking sur-
face may be permanently damaged.
• Do not use cleaning agents for cleaning
operations you perform while the hob is
hot, otherwise permanent stains may oc-
Cleaning the gas burners
1. Before cleaning the hob, remove pot
holders, burner caps and heads from the
2. Clean the surface of the hob as per the
recommendations included in the gen-
eral cleaning information according to
the surface type (enamelled, glass, inox,
3. Clean the burner chamber with a cloth
soaked in detergent or with non-scratch-
ing, soft brush. Ensure that no food re-
mains are left.
4. Clean the spark plugs and thermal ele-
ments (in models with ignition and
thermal element) with a well squeezed
cloth. Then dry with a clean cloth. Pay
attention that the spark plug and the
thermal element are completely dry.
5. Clean the burner caps and heads with
detergent water after each operation
and then dry them.
6. For persistent stains, keep burner caps
and heads in detergent water or warm
soapy water at least for 15 minutes.
Clean with a non-metallic and non-
scratching brush.
7. You may use the Quick&Shine cleaning
agents for the oven interiors and grills,
used on enamelled surfaces and recom-
mended by the authorized service, espe-
cially for persistent stains on enamelled
burner caps.
8. Do not contact burner caps with ag-
gressive detergents such as oven in-
terior cleaning agents, descalers while
cleaning them, this may cause discol-
9. Clean the pot holders with detergent wa-
ter and non-scratching, soft brush after
each operation and then dry them.
10.When the burner caps and pot holders
are used as wet, persistent lime stains
may occur as a result of the heat. En-
sure that it is dried before operation.
11.Place burner heads, caps and pot hold-
ers respectively.
12.When placing the pot holders, ensure
that they centre the burners. In pin mod-
els, fit the pins on the burner plate to the
pin slots on the pot holders.
Assembling the burner parts
1. Place the parts as in the figure after
cleaning the burners.
2. Place the burner head ensuring that it
passes through the burner spark plug
(4). Turn the burner head right and left
to make sure that it is seated in the
burner chamber.
3. Place the burner cap on the burner
Burner cap
Burner head
Burner chamber
Spark plug (in models with ignition)
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