Hilti HIT-HY 170
25 °C / 41 °F and 77 °F. | For any application not covered by this document / beyond values specified, please contact Hilti. |
Partly used foil packs must remain in the cassette and has to be used within 4 weeks. Leave the mixer attached on the foil pack
manifold and store within the cassette under the recommended storage conditions. If reused, attach a new mixer and discard
the initial quantity of anchor adhesive.
s Improper handling may cause mortar splashes Always wear safety glasses, gloves and protective clothes during installa-
tion. | Never start dispensing without a mixer properly screwed on. | Attach a new mixer prior to dispensing a new foil pack
(ensure snug fit). | Use only the type of mixer (HIT-RE-M) supplied with the adhesive. Do not modify the mixer in any way. |
Never use damaged foil packs and/or damaged or unclean foil pack holders (cassettes).
s Poor load values / potential failure of fastening points due to inadequate borehole cleaning Hilti hollow drill bits TE-CD,
TE-YD must be used in conjunction with a properly maintained Hilti vacuum cleaner with model and suction capacity
(volumetric flow rate) as specified in the accessory table. | The boreholes must be free of debris, dust, water, ice, oil, grease
and other contaminants prior to adhesive injection. Standing water must be removed by flushing with water till clean,
brushed 3 strokes with a wire brush, flushed again till clean, then all water removed (vacuum) and blown for 1 minute with
oil-free compressed air. | For blowing out the borehole – blow out with oil free air until return air stream is free of noticeable
dust. | For brushing the borehole – only use specified wire brush. The brush must resist insertion into the borehole – if not
the brush is too small and must be replaced.
s Borehole filling in solid masonry and concrete Ensure that boreholes are filled from the back of the borehole without
forming air voids. | If necessary use the accessories / extensions to reach the back of the borehole. | HIT-SC is used in the
event of drilling into a cavity in solid masonry bricks. | For overhead applications use the overhead accessories HIT-SZ and
take special care when inserting the fastening element. Excess adhesive may be forced out of the borehole. Make sure that
no mortar drips onto the installer.
s Borehole filling in hollow masonry Use HIT-SC mesh sleeve. Fill the mesh sleeve with mortar from the centering cap until
mortar escapes at the centering cap (filling control).
s Note Hilti HIT-HY 170 is not tested for use with climbing anchors. Applications of this kind are carried out at the user's own
s Note When installing the rod HIT-CS-F with Hilti HIT-HY 170 always use two nuts as per approval.
s Not adhering to these setting instructions can result in failure of fastening points!
[NL Universele ankermortel voor bevestigingen in beton en in muren van volle en holle betonblokken,
bakstenen of kalkzandsteen.
Hilti HIT-HY 170
Bevat: hydroxypropylmethacrylaat(A),
1,4-Butaandioldimethacrylaat (A),
WAARSCHUWING Veroorzaakt ernstige oogirritatie. (A,B) | Kan een allergische huidreactie veroorzaken.(A) | Zeer giftig
voor in het water levende organismen, met langdurige gevolgen. (B) | Contact met de ogen, de huid of de kleding vermijden. |
Beschermende handschoenen/beschermende kleding/oogbescherming. | BIJ CONTACT MET DE HUID: met veel water en zeep
wassen. | BIJ CONTACT MET DE OGEN: voorzichtig afspoelen met water gedurende een aantal minuten; contactlenzen verwij-
deren, indien mogelijk; blijven spoelen. | Bij huidirritatie of uitslag: een arts raadplegen. | Bij aanhoudende oogirritatie: een
arts raadplegen.
(A, B)
UFI: PTNF-X06D-T31P-0HG9 (A)
UFI: 2DXF-J073-F315-5NRR (B)