• If not already present, apply a permanent tag that describes how to use the manual release mechanism close to it. • Make
sure that the operator has been properly adjusted and that the safety and protection devices and the manual release are working
properly. • Before handing over to the final user, check that the system complies with the harmonised standards and the essential
requirements of the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC). • Any residual risks must be indicated clearly with proper signage affixed
in visible areas, and explained to end users. • Put the machine's ID plate in a visible place when the installation is complete. • If
the power supply cable is damaged, it must be immediately replaced by the manufacturer or by an authorised technical support
service, or in any case, by qualified staff, to prevent any risk. • Keep this manual inside the technical folder along with the manuals
of all the other devices used for your automation system. • Make sure to hand over to the end user all the operating manuals of the
products that make up the final machinery.
Main points of danger for people
No transiting while the barrier is moving.
Danger of crushing.
Risk of trapping hands.
Risk of trapping feet.