Pentatech AC50 Mode D'emploi page 29

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connected with the camera, upon motion detection add a tick against
„Notify Enable" and confirm with "OK". This is required for Android
devices. For iOS the function must be set as follows:
Start the setting on the Home side of your iOS device.
Select "Notifications".
Scroll down to the "OMGuard" App and select this.
Set the buttons to " ON" (function activated).
It can take up to 2 hours before this iOS function is activated by the
There may be a delay in receiving a message dependent on the
messaging service of the provider.
Tap „About" to check information about the App. To close this side tap
To return to the main side tap „Information" [29] or „Close".
10.2 Live image side (see fig. E)
To view the live camera image tap the still image on the main side. The live
image is shown in the lower half of the display. To view a larger image turn
the device 90°.
To close the live image tap on „Back" [35].
Snapshot / Mute / manual record
To make a snapshot of the live image, tap „Snapshot" [32]. The snapshot
will be stored on the smartphone / tablet.
To mute or reactivate the sound tap „Audio" [33]. The sound will always
be recorded even if the the sound is muted.
To manually start a 2 minute recording tap „record" [34]. The recording is
stored on the microSD card in the camera.
10.3 Operation (see fig. D)
Tap on „Operation" [27] on the start side, to access the following
operation functions.
Retap on „Operation" to leave the operation side.
Set Email upon motion detection / Settings
Tap „ Settings" [22] to select the camera system information (see fig. G).
Tick on „Enable Email Alert" if an Email should be sent to the set Email
address in event of motion detection (insert tick or push button to the right)
Tap „Advanced Settings" to enter the Settings side (see Chapter 9).
To save the settings tap „Save" [48] and confirm with „Yes" or „OK".
Delete camera
To delete the camera from the App tap „Delete Camera" [23] and confirm
with „Yes". It is not necessary to delete the camera in regular use.
View and delete recordings (see fig. F)
Tap on the event list [24] to view the recordings on the microSD card
within the last hour
To view further recordings tap [40] or „Search", tap on the chosen time
frame. Confirm with „Yes" for Android devices.
Tap on the desired file to view the recording. If, due to poor connection,
there is no image then wait approx. 1 minute and try to replay the recoding
To delete an individual recording using an Android device select: "Delete"
[39] and tick against the recording. To delete all recordings tap the symbol
with 4 squares. After selecting tap the bin symbol and confirm with "Yes".
For iOS select "Delete All"and cofirm with "Yes", or "Delete One" and then
tap the round red symbol in front of the recording and confirm with
To close the list tap on the back symbol.
11. Installation
Before fixing the camera permanently, test the quality of the connection
and optimise the camera view.
The camera can be wall or ceiling mou
Firstly disconnect all cables.
For wall or ceiling installation mount the b
using the screws [19] and if necessary the wall plugs [18] provided.
Screw the bracket into the appropiate threaded hole [13] in the camera
Adjust the angle of the camera to give the required view and then tighten
the triangular nut [7] and the wing screw [8].
Screw the antenna [6] into the antenna connection [12] so that the
antenna is in an upright position.
If the connection to WiFi router is desired via network cable then connect
the camera to via the local network with the network plug [14].
Connect the mains adapter with a suitable mains outlet. The POWER LED
[3] lights red.
12. Motion detection recording and alert
The camera runs a motion detection software which detects image changes and
automatically activates a recording and an alert message. This function
requires that a formatted microSD card is fitted. If no microSD card is fitted only
the App connection to live images is possible.
If the microSD card is fitted, the software is active. When an image change
is detected, a two minute recording with video and sound is automatically
started. To deactivate the motion detection select „Off" in the „Sensitivity
Setting". Select „High" sensitivity for motion detection upon small image
changes. Select „Low" sensitivity for motion detection which will not be
triggered by small image changes.
After motion detection each smartphone / tablet which is connected via the
app will be notified (if „Enable Event Notify" is ticked)
After motion detection the set Email address will receive an Email message
(if „Enable Email Alert" is ticked). When the SD card is full no more data
will be recorded. However, if the ring memory function has been activated
the oldest data will be automatically overwritten (see Chapter 9 "SDCard
When the SD card is full, the oldest recordings will be automatically
overwritten (ring storage function)
Alternatively to viewing recordings via the App, the SD card can be put into
a reader attached to a PC with a viewer / player programme.
nted (see fig. A: I and II).
racket [9] at a suitable location
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