RS232C SERIAL OUTPUT OPTION ........................................................................................................ 22
RS232C SERIAL OUTPUT OPTION INSTALLATION ................................................................................ 23
WIRING ............................................................................................................................................. 23
WIRING DIAGRAMS ............................................................................................................................ 24
PROTOCOLS DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 25
ASCII / ISO1745 COMMAND TABLE ..................................................................................................... 26
OPTION RS2 BETA PROGRAMMING ..................................................................................................... 27
PROTOCOL SELECTION ................................................................................................................ 28
SPEED TRANSMISSION SELECTION .............................................................................................. 28
DEVICE ADRESS SELECTION ................................................................................................... 28/29
OPTION RS2 ALPHA / GAMMA PROGRAMMING.................................................................................... 30
SPEED TRANSMISSION & ADRESS SELECTION .............................................................................. 31
PROTOCOL SELECTION ................................................................................................................ 31
The RS232C output option consists of an additional card (RS2 reference) that is installed in the M1 plug connector on
the instrument's motherboard (ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA, MICRA).
The card incorporates a 4-way telephone connector with output on the back of the device.
The serial output allows establishing a communication line through which a master device can request the sending of
data such as display value, setpoint value, peak, valley and tare (or offset in the case of thermometers) and also exe-
cute remote functions such as display tare, reset of peak, valley or tare memories and modification of setpoint values.
The output option is fully configurable by software in terms of baud rate (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 baud),
device address (between 00 and 99) and type of communication protocol (ASCII, ISO 1745, MODBUS-RTU).
The RS232C output allows the instrument to be connected to a master device with RS232C output (exemple a PC)
The operating mode is half-duplex, normally remaining in reception mode until the arrival of a message.
The reception of a valid message can mean the immediate performance of an action (display tare, reset of the peak,
valley or tare memories, change of setpoint values), or the transmission of a response by the instrument interrogated
(display value, of any of the setpoints or value of the peak, valley or tare / offset memories).
Transmission of the display value (only) can be requested via an external pushbutton.