View Admin Rec.
The operation is the same as "View User Record" but with different words shown on the LCD.
The screen shows the character and significance of information as follows:
E_U :
E_M :
E_DF :
E_DP :
D_L :
S_S : Delete all records
Press "Menu" "6. Information" - "2. Record Detail".
Select "5. Delete All Records"
Press OK and screen will show:
Press OK to confirm delete.
Press ESC to exit.
Once you press OK following screen will appear:
A "Bi—" sound can be heard after deleting all records.
Remarks to Register User and Manager:
(1) The machine will give a voice notification to remind you when the registration backup is full.
(2) The machine can automatically create the User ID number, or
a. If the user wants a different register ID, input any No. from 1 to 65525 (however the
selected No. must be larger than the auto default No.)
b. In the case of entering a duplicate No. (Register ID No.), the machine will display "Invalid
ID" together with a voice notification. Please re-enter a new ID No.
(3) In case the machine cannot recognize the fingerprint (maybe due to incorrect placing on the
reader or dirt), the machine will show "Please Press Again!" together with a voice notice.
19.08.2014 – v. 3
View URec
View ARec
11-04-20 09:23 E_DF
Esc – ESC
Register as User
Register as Manager
Deleted fingerprint registration data
Deleted password registration data
Delete all records data
Time setting
System setting
Delete AllLog
Sure Delete?
No – ESC
Delete AllLog
C- 00051
N- 00002
Con - OK
©Velleman nv