take care. Safe operation of the device is dependent
on the condition of the rope–if the rope is damaged, it
must be replaced.
• EN 12841/C use: Sit harness or EN 813 (ventral
attachment point).
• EN 341/2A use: EN 361 full body harness (sternal or
ventral points).
• EN 813, or rescue harness certified to EN 1497.
• EN 15151-1/8 use: EN 12277 and/or EN 813 (ventral
attachment point).
• ANSI Z359.4 use: ANSI Z359.11 full body harness(sternal
or ventral points).
Note: A full body harness is the only acceptable body
holding device that can be used in a fall arrest system.
Use only carabiners with locking gates.
• EN 12841/C use: EN 362 Class B carabiners.
• EN 341/2A use: EN 362 Class B carabiners.
• EN 15151-1/8 use: EN 12275 carabiners.
• ANSI Z359.4 use: ANSI Z359.12 carabiners.
• NFPA 2500 use: Technical or General Use carabiners.
Anchors must comply with EN795, ANSI Z359.4, ANSI
Z359.18, or have a resistance greater than 15kN. For
mountaineering use (EN 15151-1), use anchors that are
in compliance with EN 959 (rock anchors), EN 568 (ice
anchors), EN 569 (pitons), EN 12270 (chocks), or EN
12276 (frictional anchors). It is essential that the device
and the anchor points are always correctly placed, and that
the work is organized in such a way to minimize the risk
of a fall from a height. Always ensure enough clearance
to avoid impacts with the ground or other obstacles in
case of a fall. Contact CMC if you are uncertain about the
compatibility of your equipment.
The CLUTCH allows the rope to be pulled through in one
direction, but friction of the rope on the Sheave in the other
direction causes the Sheave to lock, pivot, and capture the
rope between the Sheave and Friction Shoe. By holding
the braking side of the rope, the Brake Hand helps engage
the braking mechanism.
Installing the Rope
(1) Open the Side Plate by activating the Side Plate
Release Latch 2 times. (2) Move the Control Handle to
the Stand By position. (3) Load the rope according to the
diagram marked on the device. (4) Close the Side Plate
and secure the device to an appropriate attachment point
or anchor with a locking connector.
WARNING: Loading the rope incorrectly
could cause imminent risk of injury or death.
X m/s
Usage on Anchor
In tight clearance or overhead rigging solutions, an extra
carabiner is recommended to improve ergonomics, redirect
the rope and/or improve alignment of rope into the device.
An extra carabiner may also be used to increase friction on
the free end of the rope for heavy load applications.
Locking the Side Plate and Latch
If necessary, it is possible to lock the Side Plate and Latch
mechanism, after the rope is installed (i.e. when used as a
rescue kit). Install the Side Plate Lockout Screw (stored on
the handle) into the Side Plate Lockout Screw Hole in the
Side Plate. Check that Side Plate and Latch are secure.
Before each use, verify that the rope is correctly installed
and that the device is working properly. The CLUTCH must
be properly rigged prior to use. Always use a backup safety
system when performing this test.(1) Move the Control
Handle to the Stand By Position and give a quick pull on
the anchor/load side of the rope. When rigged correctly
the CLUTCH will lock up. (2) Gradually apply a load to the
device (rope taut, handle in stand by position). While firmly
gripping the braking side of the rope, gradually move the
Control Handle to Descent Position to allow rope through
the device. Descent is possible = rope is correctly installed.
Descent is not possible = check the installation of the rope.
(3) When the Control Handle is released, the CLUTCH
should lock up and hold the rope. (4) Pull rope through the
device as if using it to haul. Audible clicking sound should
be noticeable.
WARNING: DANGER OF DEATH. Do not allow anything
to interfere with the operation of the device or its com-
ponents (Sheave, Control Handle, etc.). Any constraint
on the device may negate the braking function.
NOTE: In the case where a secure tie-off is necessary, it
is recommended to secure the system by tying off the free
end of the rope around the load/tension side of the rope
with an appropriate tie-off method (see diagram). When
securing as recommended in the diagram (or with any
other tie-off method) a minimum of 152 mm (6 in) should
be maintained between the knot and the device.
WARNING: When lowering, the tail of the the rope
should pass over the Friction Shoe, located adjacent
to the Becket. Avoid placing the tail over the Sideplate
or over the back of the Chassis.
11. EN 12841/C
EN 12841:2006/C Descending
The CLUTCH is an EN 12841 Type C rope adjuster used
to descend the working line. The CLUTCH is a braking
device for rope that allows the user to manually control
the speed of descent and to stop anywhere on the rope
by releasing the Control Handle. Use the same technique
for sloping or horizontal terrain. To meet the requirements
of the EN 12841:2006 Type C standard, use 10.5 - 11 mm
EN 1891 Type A semi-static ropes (core + sheath). [Note:
certification testing was performed using Teufelberger
Patron 10.5 and 11 mm ropes.]
(1) Descent - Control your descent by varying the position
of the Control Handle. Always grip the braking side of the
rope. Release the Control Handle to stop the descent. In
a panic situation: if the Control Handle is pulled too far the
device brakes, then locks the rope. To continue the de-
scent, first reset the Control Handle to the Stand By Posi-
tion.The maximum allowable speed is a function of the load
on the device. For loads between 30 kg and 200 kg, limit
the speed to below 2 m/s. For loads between 200 kg and
240 kg, limit the speed to below 0.5 m/s. The user should
be competent at evaluating speed before descending.
Speed can be judged by monitoring the flecking pattern on
the rope passing through the device or by calculating target
descent times for known distances. For heavy load and
long descents, it is advisable to limit the speed to a lower
value to minimize heat build up in the device.
(2) Work Positioning - Secured Stop: After stopping at
the desired location, to switch to the hands-free work
positioning mode, lock the device on the rope by moving
the handle to the Standby or Stop Position. To unlock the
device and continue descent, firmly grip the braking side
of the rope and gradually move the Control Handle to the
Release Position.
ATTENTION: The primary function of a Type C rope
adjustment device is progression along the working line.
EN 12841 rope adjusters must not be used in fall arrest
systems. The connection shall have a maximum length
of 110 mm. An anchor rope loaded with the full weight
of a user is a working line. A Type A back-up device
connected to a safety line must be used. Ensure that the
back-up system is never loaded onto the working line.
Any overloading or dynamic loading may damage the
anchor rope. Attach the descender directly to your harness
using an EN 362 locking carabiner. Never use lanyards or
extensions of any type to connect the descender to your
harness. Any equipment used with your descender must be
in compliance with current standards. Anchor lines should
be attached to anchor points above the user, and any
slack in the anchor line between the user and the anchors
should be avoided.
The device was not tested to EN 12841/C 5.3.6, condition-
ing to oil or 5.3.7, conditioning to dust. Use caution when
operating in conditions where oil and dust are present.
12. EN 341/2A
EN 341:2011/2A Standard Information
• The descender device should only be used by a person
competent in its use following clear emergency protocols.
• Always maintain a firm grip on the braking side of the
rope. Do not lose control during descent; loss of control
may be difficult to recover.
• The connection of the descender device to the anchor
point should be arranged so that the descent is not
• Any slack in the line between the user and the anchor
point should be avoided.
• Always tie a stopper knot at the end of the line to create
a bottom end stop.
• The device can overheat and damage the rope during
• Always descend at a reasonable speed. (<2 m/s).
• Equipment left in place must be protected from the
CLUTCH certification data with Teufelberger Patron 10.5
mm rope and Teufelberger Patron 11 mm rope:
• Descent weight m: 30 – 230 kg Ø 10.5 mm rope
• Descent weight m: 30 – 240 kg Ø 11 mm rope
• Descent height h: 200 m MAX
• Descent velocity V: 2 m/s MAX
• Operating temperature T: -30/+60°C
• Number of descents at 30 kg and 200 m: n = 127 MAX
• Number of descents at 240 kg and 200 m: n = 16 MAX
• W = 9.81 x m x h x n
Lowering/Descent: Firmly grip the braking side of the
rope and gradually pull on the Control Handle to adjust
the descent speed. To stop the descent let go of the
control handle.
Usage on Anchor
In tight clearance or overhead rigging solutions an extra
carabiner is recommended to improve ergonomics, redirect
the rope, and/or improve alignment of rope into the device.
An extra carabiner may also be used to increase friction on
the free end of the rope for heavy load applications.
13. ANSI Z359.4-2013
ANSI/ASSE Z359.4-2013 Standard Information
Maximum descent height: 200 m.
Maximum descent rate: 2 m/s.
Number of descents: 2.
Capacity load: 60-141 kg (132 – 310 lbs).
Multiple use device.
Use low stretch or static kernmantle ropes according to CI
1801 Ø 13 mm.
The Instructions for Use must be provided to the rescuer
using this equipment. The Instructions for Use for each
item of equipment used in conjunction with this product
must be followed. Product inspection must be carried out
according to the manufacturer's instructions for use and
the product inspection form.
Anchorages used for rescue applications must meet ANSI
Z359.4 requirements and be capable of sustaining static
loads in the direction permitted by the rescue system of
at least 3,100 lbf (13.8 kN), or meet a factor of safety of
5:1 based on the static load of the system when designed,
installed and supervised by a Qualified Person. Anchor-
ages intended for fall arrest must meet ANSI Z359.18
requirements and be capable of sustaining a static load of
at least 5,000 lbf (22 kN). If an anchorage is intended for
both rescue and fall arrest, the requirements specified in
ANSI Z359.18 shall apply. Connections to anchors must be
done in a way that avoids any accidental movement of the
system during rescue.
Connection of the device to an anchor or the user shall
be accomplished by use of an ANSI Z359.12 carabiner.
Perform a tension test on the connection before applying
the full load. In a rescue context, refer to ANSI Z359.4
and Z359.2.
Rescue plan: you must have a rescue plan and the means
to rapidly implement it in case of difficulties encountered
while using this equipment.
To lower/descend: grip the braking side of the rope and
gradually pull on the Control Handle to adjust the descent
speed. To stop the descent let go of the Control Handle.
WARNING: when using multiple items of equipment,
make sure they are compatible. A dangerous situation
can arise in which the safety function of an item of
equipment can be affected by the safety function of
another item of equipment. Be vigilant when working
near sources of electricity, moving machinery, abrasive
or sharp surfaces, or in an environment presenting
chemical or extreme temperature hazards. The energy
of descent is equal to the product of the descent
length, the mass of the load, the acceleration of
gravity, and the number of successive descents. Any
misuse of this equipment will introduce additional